!The 31st Annual Business Meeting of members of the Academia Euroapea will take place at the University of Leuven on 5th NOVEMBER 2019.\\
__Location: room MSI 01.28 (MSI stands for Monseigneur Sencie Institute, one of the main teaching buildings of the Faculty of Arts; it is situated on Ravenstraat [[Raven Street] immediately in back of the University Library on Ladeuze Plein [[Ladeuze Square]__\\
__Time:__ 13:30 – 15:00\\
!The meeting is open to all members of the AE. There is no pre-registration requirement.

The meeting will consider the following business: 

*to receive the accounts and activity (Trustees Report) report  for the financial year ended December 2018;

*To hold any scheduled elections;

*To receive reports from the President; the  Treasurer, and the Regional Knowledge Hubs;  and to consider motions for amendments to Regulations.
The meeting will start at __1:30pm__ and end at __3pm__. Refreshments will be available. There will be a reception at 5pm jointly with the delegates for the [AE workshop on Open Access/Plan S (on 6th November)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The future of research assessing the impact of Plan S]. You are also invited to attend this event.
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The full agenda and other information  will be posted onto the ae-info website in October.
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ANY MEMBER who wishes to table an item of business for consideration at the AGM, or who wishes to propose a motion for consideration by the membership present, should notify the Executive Secretary (David Coates) by email, __no later than 5pm (GMT) on 30 September__. 
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*[AGM 2019 DOC 1 Agenda (5 November version 2)|AGM 2019 DOC 1 Agenda (5 November, version 2).pdf]

*[DOCUMENT 2 - MINUTES of the 30th Annual meeting 2018 Barcelona (draft)|DOCUMENT 2 - MINUTES of the 30th Annual meeting 2018 Barcelona (draft).pdf]

*[DOCUMENT 4.1 AE trustees report 2018 consolidated|DOCUMENT 4.1 AE trustees report 2018 consolidated.pdf]

*[DOCUMENT 4.2 - 2018 Audited Accounts|DOCUMENT 4.2 - 2018 Audited Accounts.pdf]

*[Annex 3 - Barcelona 2018 annual report|Annex 3 - Barcelona 2018 annual report.pdf]

*[Annex 4 - Bergen Hub 2018 annual report|Annex 4 - Bergen Hub 2018 annual report.pdf]

*[Annex 5 - Cardiff Hub 2018 annual report|Annex 5 - Cardiff Hub 2018 annual report.pdf]

*[Annex 6 - Wroclaw Hub 2018 annual report|Annex 6 - Wroclaw Hub 2018 annual report.pdf]

*[Annex 7 - Graz Information Centre 2018 annual report|Annex 7 - Graz Information Centre 2018 annual report.pdf]

*[Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024|Strategic Plan (web version) FIN.pdf]

!!The Future of Research: Assessing the Impact of Plan S

__The bold ambition behind Plan S is to ensure that full open access to published research finally becomes a reality.  Yet, what does it mean for the future of research?  Join us for this international event at KU Leuven on 6th November 2019, where our distinguished panels of experts will debate the prospects for researchers, universities, learned societies and academies.__
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The conference is free and open to all, and includes a welcome reception at the historic University Library on the evening before the conference.
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This event is a collaboration between the Academia Europaea [Cardiff Knowledge Hub|http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales], the [Young Academy of Europe|http://yacadeuro.org], [KU Leuven Libraries|https://bib.kuleuven.be/english] and [Cardiff University|https://www.cardiff.ac.uk].
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__PLEASE [REGISTER|https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-future-of-research-assessing-the-impact-of-plan-s-tickets-60744650886] FOR THE OPEN ACCESS/PLAN S workshop on 6th November and attend the reception on 5th November after the AGM.__
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