
!The 33rd Annual Business Meeting of the Academia Europaea members
*Registration for the AGM is not necessary, all members are welcome to participate (physically or virtually)
*The AGM 2021 will be held (physical meeting) at the PRBB  [[Barcelona Biomedical Research Park] - C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003 Barcelona.  [Maplink|https://www.google.com/maps/place/PRBB+Parc+de+Recerca+Biom%C3%A8dica+de+Barcelona/@41.3854203,2.1944581,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x81e449abea5aae0e!8m2!3d41.3854203!4d2.1944581]

*The meeting starts promptly at 09:30am (Spanish time). The meeting will close at 10:45am (Spanish time)

*Members not attending the meeting in person will be able to log in remotely. The link and password will be sent out by Email to all members in October

*To enable the participation of all members, a series of online ballots will take place prior to the AGM to decide on specific matters of AE business

!!AGM Draft Agenda

ALL DOCUMENTS CAN BE FOUND below. (NOTE: an agenda and documents pack will be available at the door of the meeting room for any physical attendees).
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__In the chair: The President – Professor. Dr. Sierd Cloetingh (Utrecht).__
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__1.__ Welcome, adoption of the draft agenda  (members present)
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__2.__ To adopt the note of the outcome of the online ballots held in 2020. [[Doc 2]

!Transaction of Ordinary Business

__3.__ Reports  (covering the past 12 months and going forward): QUESTIONS ARE INVITED
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__3.1__  President - Sierd Cloetingh. 2020 Trustees (Activity) report, highlights and future plans
!Report of the online ballot of members, to the Motion: “''That the AGM adopt the 2020 Trustees report''”
__3.2__ Finance - Professor Oskar Mencer (pro tem Treasurer)  a summary report has been tabled in advance and the 2020 accounts made available online.
!Report on the outcome of the online ballot of members, to the motion: “''That members adopt the 2020 accounts''“.
__3.2.1__ Report on the outcome of the online ballot of members to the Motion:  “''that members agree to  re-appoint the Auditors: Messrs Keith Vaudrey and Co. Ltd, London''“.
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__3.2.2__  Annual members’ financial contribution for 2022
!Report of the outcome of the online ballot of members to the Motion: ''“The Members are asked to approve the trustees recommendation, for an  annual, [[voluntary] contribution based on an age-related scale, and effective from January 1st 2022. As follows: ''

*''Ordinary members''
**''Members up to and including 65 years of age: 150 Euro''\\
**''Members 66 - 75 years of age: 95 Euro''\\
*''Foreign members: 95 Euro''\\
*''Members over 75: Voluntary donations are welcomed but they are optional''
''The Members are asked to approve an establishment fee for all new (2022) members of 150 Euros, irrespective of age at the time of their acceptance of membership.''”
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__4.__  Board of trustees information (to note only)
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__4.1__ The following trustees leave the Board at the end of 2021:
*Alex Verkhratsky - Class C (Life Sciences) Chair (co-opted) - Class C (Life Sciences) Chairs
*Theo D’haen - Editor-in-chief of the European Review (co-opted)
*The current, elected Vice President - Professor Genoveva Marti steps down at the end of the year. A call for nominations for election of a Vice President (Officer) of the Academia Europaea will be made in the first quarter of 2022.
*The current (pro tem) treasurer - Dr Oskar Mencer was co-opted in late 2019 following the resignation of Prof. Milutinovic. A call for nominations and a ballot of members will be held in 2022 to formally elect a Treasurer.
*Don Dingwell retires as Class B ( Exact and physical Sciences) but remains on the Board as a co-opted member (Academic Director of the Munich Hub).
__A review of the Board composition will take place in 2022.__

!Other Business	

__4.3__ Report on the AE engagement in the SAPEA (horizon2020) project – Professor Petersen
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__4.4__ The President elect Professor Marja Makarow - statement to members
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Closing remarks (Professor Cloetingh)
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I hope that all members will understand the need for this continuing set of actions and will be supportive of the efforts of the trustees to maintain the AE in good order for the future. Normal service will be resumed in 2022.
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__David Coates\\
Executive Secretary__
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*[Consolidated agenda and documents for the 2021 AGM of members - Barcelona|Consolidated agenda and documents for the 2021 AGM of members - Barcelona.pdf]

*[Document 1 - AGM 2021 Agenda.pdf|AGM 2021 DOC 1 Agenda.pdf]

*[Document 2 - NOTE of the action taken in lieu of the 32nd AE Annual Business Meeting|Document 2 - NOTE of the action taken in lieu of the 32nd AE Annual Business Meeting.pdf]

*[Document 3.1 - 2020 Trustees (activity) report - Minus Hub reports|DOCUMENT 3.1 - 2020 Trustees (activity) report - Minus Hub reports.pdf]

*[Document 3.1 ADDENDUM - Trustees report 2020 - SYNOPSIS|DOCUMENT 3.1 ADDENDUM - Trustees report 2020 - SYNOPSIS.pdf]

*[Document 3.2 Examined accounts for 2020|DOCUMENT 3.2 - Examined accounts for 2020 - FIN and SIGNED.pdf]

*[Document 3.2 Summary information - Treasurer’s report to the members|Document 3.2 ADDENDUM Hon Treasurers report.pdf]

*[Document 3.2.2 Annual membership fee proposal for 2022|Document 3.2.2 Annual membership fee proposal for 2022.pdf]

*[2020 Trustees (activity) report with Hub annexes|2020 Trustees (activity) report with Hub annexes.pdf]

*[AGM 2021 Online ballot of members - results|AGM 2021 Online ballot of members - results.pdf]