!!Founding Visions - Professor Dan Brändström interviewed by Anne Buttimer
[{Image src='brandstrom_dan.jpg' caption='' height='240' alt='Dan Brändström'}]
[{Mediaplayer src='dan_brandstrom_interviewed_by_anne_buttimer.mp4' playertype='swf' anchor='Professor Dan Brändström interviewed by Prof. Anne Buttimer (UCD)(MPEG, 16,5 MB, 38 minutes)' height='240' width='426'}]
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[Professor Dan Brändström interviewed by Prof. Anne Buttimer (UCD)(MPEG, 16,5 MB, 38 minutes)|dan_brandstrom_interviewed_by_anne_buttimer.mp4]
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''Professor [Dan Brändström|User/Brändström_Dan], Managing Director, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences''
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