[{Image src='Erasmus_Medal.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Erasmus Medal' align='center'}]
!The closing date for the nomination is 31st of March 2023 (midnight GMT).
Since 1992 the conferring of the Erasmus Medal of the Academia is a highlight of the opening session of our annual meetings. Based on nominations by the membership, evaluation and recommendation by the relevant AE class’ committee, and decision of the Board, the Erasmus Medal is awarded to a scholar (preferably, but not necessary, a member of AE) who has maintained, over a sustained period, the highest level of international scholarship as recognized by peers. The Medal is awarded at the Annual Conference of the Academy and on that occasion the recipient will give the Annual Erasmus Lecture. The Erasmus Medal is sponsored by the Heinz-Nixdorf Stiftung. 
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The Erasmus Medal in 2023 will be awarded to a scholar working in a field belonging to our __Class A1 (Humanities)__. 
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__You are most welcome to submit a nomination using the [2023 nomination form|Academia_Europaea_Erasmus_Medal_2023_Nomination_form.docx]  via email to Prof. Gulyás, Coordinator of the Erasmus Medal search process, at [balazs.gulyas@ki.se|mailto:balazs.gulyas@ki.se]), with a copy to our secretariat ([Execsec@acadeuro.org|mailto:Execsec@acadeuro.org]). __
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As mentioned above, the field of activity of the nominee should belong to a discipline covered by our __Class A1__ (History and Archeology, Classics and Oriental Studies, Linguistic Studies, Literary and Theatrical Studies, Musicology and Art History, Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Film, Media and Visual Studies). 
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The most important part of the nomination is the “case for the award” which should be comprehensive and concise, emphasizing the candidate’s most distinguished achievements and her/his lifetime scholarship in the respective field, with special regard to enriching our European scientific heritage. Please keep in mind that the medalist is expected to deliver a plenary lecture at one of the future distinguished meetings of AE in front of a mixed audience and, consequently, an attractive and eloquent speaker is always welcome. 
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If possible, please compliment your nomination with the CV and the publication list of the candidate as well as a suggested ‘laudator’ of the candidate. 
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The closing date of the nomination period is the __31st March 2023 (midnight GMT)__.
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*[Call for nominations|Academia_Europaea_Erasmus_Medal_2023_Call_for_nominations.pdf] (pdf)
*[Nomination form 2022|Academia_Europaea_Erasmus_Medal_2023_Nomination_form.docx] (docx)