!!36th  Annual Business Meeting of the Academia Europaea members at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
!Tuesday 26 November, 2024\\16:00 – 18:00  (Wroclaw time) 
From 1 October, ALL DOCUMENTS will be found below. 
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__A series of pre-AGM membership wide electronic ballots on the motions below will be held online from 25th August – 09th September 2024. Members will be mailed separately about these.__
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!!Draft agenda 

A series of pre-AGM membership wide electronic ballots on the motions below will be held online from __25%%sup th/% August – 9%%sup th/% September 2024.__ Members will be mailed separately about these.
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(__NOTE:__ an agenda and documents pack will be available at the door of the meeting room for any physical attendees). __PLEASE ALSO SIGN THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER AT THE DOOR__.
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__In the chair: The President – Professor. Dr. Marja Makarow (Helsinki)__

!1.	Welcome, adoption of the 2024 draft agenda  (members present) – 	[DOCUMENT 1|AGM 2024 DOC 1 Agenda (V4 10 Sept).pdf]

!2. 2.	To adopt the minutes of the AGM held on 09Th  October, 2023		[DOCUMENT 2|Document 2 - Minutes of the 35th Annual General meeting - 2023 Munich (FIN).pdf]

__Transaction of Ordinary Business__
!3. Reports  (covering the past 12 months and going forward): QUESTIONS ARE INVITED

*3.1  President - Marja Makarow. 2023 Trustees (Activity) report [DOCUMENT 3.1|Document 3.1  - 2023 Annual trustees (Activity) report- consolidated with Hub reports - signed.FIN.pdf] and President's statement to the Trustees report 2023  [Document 3.1 Supplement|Document 3.1 supplement - President_s statement to the Trustees report 2023 ( AGM Document 3.1) FIN.pdf]
__Report of the result of the online ballot of members, to the Motion: ''“That the AGM adopt the 2023 Trustees report”''.__ [DOCUMENT 3.1a|Document 3.1a - Result of the ballot - Approval of the 2023 Trustees report.pdf]
*3.2 Finance – Professor Stephen Evans (Treasurer). 2023 examined accounts ([Document 3.2|Document 3.2 - AE - Accounts - 2023 - FIN - all Signed.pdf]) and Summary report to the accounts ([Document 3.2 supplement|Document 3.2 supplement  - Treasurers statement to the examined accounts of the Academia Europaea to the end of the financial year 2023 FIN.pdf]) 
__Report of the result of the online ballot of members, to the motion: ''“That members adopt the 2023 accounts“''.__ [DOCUMENT 3.2a|Document 3.2a Result of the ballot - To Adopt the 2023 Examined Accounts.pdf]
*3.2.1 Outcome of the e-ballot of members on the Motion: “__That members agree to  re-appoint the Audit/Examiners: Messrs Keith Vaudrey and Co. Ltd, London“.__ [Document 3.2.1|Document 3.2.1 Result of the ballot to re-appoint the auditors.pdf]

*3.2.2  Annual members’ financial contribution for 2025

Outcome of the e-ballot of members to the Motion: “__The Members are asked to approve the trustees recommendation, for an  annual, [[voluntary] contribution based on an age–related scale, and effective from January 1st  2025. As follows: __
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__Ordinary members__\\
Members up to and including 65 years of age: 200 Euro\\
Members 66 - 75 years of age: 125 Euro\\
__Foreign members:__ 200 Euro\\
__Members over 75:__ Voluntary donations are welcomed but they are optional
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Ballot result was: [Document 3.2.2|Document 3.2.2 - Result of the ballot to approve the member contributions levels for 2025.pdf]
*3.2.3 Additional motion for the room:

Motion for the room:
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''__"The Members (present) are asked to approve a one-time establishment fee for all new (2025) members of 200 Euros, irrespective of age at the time of their acceptance of membership.”__''
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__Other Business (as time allows)__

!4. Elections and appointments

*__4.1 Election of a President__

The current term of Professor Makarow  as President ends on 31st December 2024. Under normal circumstances, an e-ballot would have taken place in September to re-elect her for a second and final term. However, the President has recently indicated that, for personal reasons, she will no longer seek a second term.  Therefore, a call for candidates, a search/scrutiny board and a member-wide ballot process for a new President will be carried out in the coming months. The Board of trustees, have agreed to ask the current Vice president – Professor Dingwell, to act pro tem as President, to oversee an election process in 2025. The intention is to elect a new President who will be installed either at the AGM in October 2025, or from January 2026. A call for candidates from amongst the membership will be published before the end of 2024. 
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*__4.2 Appointment of a Class chair for Class A2 – Social and related Sciences__

Professor Bjorn Wittrock will retire as Class chair at the end of 2024. Following a search, the Board have approved the recommendation of the Class Section chairs (acting as Council)  and have appointed XXXXXXX as the new Class chair, effective from 1st  January 2025. The Class chair has been co-opted onto the Board of trustees. 
!Motion for the room

The members present are asked to approve a term of five years (2025 – 2030).
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__Other Business (as time allows)__
!5.  Future Developments 

!6.  Report on the AE engagement in the SAPEA  Horizon Europe Project-President Prof. Dingwell

!7. Brief AE Regional Knowledge Hub Reports 2023/24: 

*__Barcelona__ (Prof. Jaume Bertranpetit Academic Director,  Ms Maite Sánchez Riera - Hub Manager)
*__Bergen__ (Prof. Eystein Jansen Academic Director, Ms Kristen Baaken - Hub Manager)
*__Budapest__ (Prof. Peyter Hegyi, Academic Director, Dr Gergely Bőhm, Hub Manager)
*__Cardiff__ (Prof. Ole Petersen, Hub Director, Ms Louise Edwards Hub Manager)
*__Tbilisi__ (Prof David Prangishvilli – Academic Director, Ms Sofia Kobakhidze – Hub Manager)
*__Wroclaw__ (Prof. Arkadiusz Wojs Academic Director, Ms Anna Jarosz – Hub Manager)
*__Graz Data Centre__ (Mr Helmut Leitner – Technical Director, Ms Dana Kaiser, Administrator)

!8. Report by the Editor-in-Chief of the European Review – Professor Alban Kellerbauer

!9. Plans for 2025
*New Strategic Plan 2025-2028

*Call for nominations for election to membership – opened 01 October 2023 - 31 January 2024
*2025 AGM and annual conference
Questions from the membership.
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Closing remarks (Professor Makarow)

*[Trustee (Activity) 2023 report  and 2023 examined accounts|Acad_Main/Publications/Academia_Europaea_Annual_Activity_Reports_and_Annual_Accounts]\\ 
*[AE Statutes and regulations|Acad_Main/About_us/Governance]\\
*[AE Section chairs and committees|Acad_Main/About_us/Academic_Management]

!Regional Knowledge Hub websites

Barcelona: [https://aebarcelona.eu] 	\\
Bergen: [https://aebergen.w.uib.no]\\
Budapest: [https://mta.hu/aebudapest]\\
Cardiff: [http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]\\
Wroclaw: [http://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl]\\
Tbilisi: [https://www.aetbilisihub.org]\\
Corporate website: [http://www.ae-info.org]  	
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The Executive Secretary AE London: Dr David Coates, September 2024\\
The Executive Secretary AE Munich: Dr Friederike Brandthaus, September 2024
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*[Document 1: AGM Draft Agenda|AGM 2024 DOC 1 Agenda (V4 10 Sept).pdf] (10%%sup th/% September 2024)

*[Document 2: Minutes of the 35th Annual General meeting - 2023 Munich|Document 2 - Minutes of the 35th Annual General meeting - 2023 Munich (FIN).pdf]

*[Document 3.1: Academia Europaea 2023 Trustees Activity Report|Document 3.1  - 2023 Annual trustees (Activity) report- consolidated with Hub reports - signed.FIN.pdf]

*[Document 3.1 Supplement - President's statement to the Trustees report 2023|Document 3.1 supplement - President_s statement to the Trustees report 2023 ( AGM Document 3.1) FIN.pdf]

*[Document 3.1a - Result of the ballot - Approval of the 2023 Trustees report|Document 3.1a - Result of the ballot - Approval of the 2023 Trustees report.pdf]

*[Document 3.2: The Academia Europaea Examined Accounts for 2023|Document 3.2 - AE - Accounts - 2023 - FIN - all Signed.pdf]

*[Document 3.2 Supplement - Treasurers statement to the examined accounts of the Academia Europaea to the end of the financial year 2023 (V2.0)|Document 3.2 supplement  - Treasurers statement to the examined accounts of the Academia Europaea to the end of the financial year 2023 FIN.pdf]

*[Document 3.2a Result of the ballot - To Adopt the 2023 Examined Accounts|Document 3.2a Result of the ballot - To Adopt the 2023 Examined Accounts.pdf]

*[Document 3.2.1 Result of the ballot to re-appoint the auditors|Document 3.2.1 Result of the ballot to re-appoint the auditors.pdf]

*[Document 3.2.2 - Result of the ballot to approve the member contributions levels for 2025|Document 3.2.2 - Result of the ballot to approve the member contributions levels for 2025.pdf]
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!Regional Knowledge Hub websites:

Barcelona: [https://aebarcelona.eu]\\
Bergen: [https://aebergen.w.uib.no]\\
Budapest: [https://mta.hu/aebudapest]\\
Cardiff: [http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]\\
Wroclaw: [http://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl]\\
Tbilisi: [https://www.aetbilisihub.org]\\
Corporate website: [https://www.ae-info.org]
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*[2023 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2023 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2022 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2022 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2021 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2021 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2019 Annual Business Meeting of Members|2019 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2018: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2018 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2017: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2017 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2016: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2016 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2015: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2015 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2014: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2014 Annual Business Meeting of Members]

*[2013: Annual Business Meeting of Members|2013 Annual Business Meeting of Members]