!!International Women’s Day 2017
!Organized by Academia Europaea - Barcelona Knowledge Hub

The [Barcelona Knowledge Hub|http://barcelona.acadeuro.org] of the Academia Europaea is joining the celebration of the International Women’s Day 2017 by organizing an activity on March 2, in Barcelona.
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__March 2, Thursday__\\
__Time:__ 18.00 h - 20.00 h\\
__Location:__ Prat de la Riba Room, Institute for Catalan Studies (Carme 47, Barcelona) 
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__An AE-BKH International Women’s Day Distinguished Lecture on__
!!“Scientific knowledge as a commons: How to improve the peer review and dissemination of scientific results”
!!Marie Farge
CNRS and École Normale Supérieure, Paris\\
Member of the Council of the Academia Europaea\\
!Presented by: Michela Bertero, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona
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With the collaboration of:
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Partners of the AE-BKH:
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__A Distinguished Lecture in commemoration of the International Women’s Day 2017 at the
Barcelona Knowledge Hub of the Academia Europaea (AE-BKH)__

!!Scientific knowledge as a commons:\\
!!How to improve the peer review and dissemination of scientific results
!!Marie Farge
CNRS and École Normale Supérieure, Paris. Member of the Council of the Academia Europaea
Scientific publication in peer reviewed journals is the backbone of the current research system.
Nowadays the process of peer reviewing and the dissemination of articles are controlled and
privatized worldwide by publishers, they own the journals, peer review reports, and articles they
publish. Researchers are not paid by publishers for writing articles and referee reports, but
research institutions have to pay huge amounts of money to publishers to access those articles,
while the referee reports are non-disclosable and lost to research. Unfortunately researchers are
kept in the dark about the business model of publishers and how much it costs to their
institutions. The business model of publishers made sense when they were printing houses, but
it has become harmful for research now that Internet can be used instead.
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We will first describe the present system and then propose alternative solutions that take
advantage of the digital revolution and consider scientific knowledge as a commons. This new
approach is inspired by the work of Elinor Ostrom, the only woman having ever received the
Nobel prize in economic sciences for '''showing how common resources can be managed
successfully by the people who use them rather than by governments or private companies'''. [1]
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Knowledge, like language, is not a merchandise to be traded but a commons that everyone
should share worldwide and preserve for the generations to come. Scientific results that are not
shared nor preserved are lost forever. On the contrary, when a researcher shows her results to a
colleague she does not lose them but can thus improve them, correct errors and get new ideas.
This is a positive sum game. Peer reviewing and publishing generalize such an exchange of
results and ideas. This is why the output of research (e.g., articles, data and codes) should
belong to the knowledge commons one should collectively develop.
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[1] Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: from Theory to Practice. Edited by Charlotte
Hessand Elinor Ostrom, MIT Press, 2006\\
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[{Image src='Farge_Marie.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='Marie Farge' class='image_left'}]
!Marie Farge - Biography
Marie Farge is Directrice de Recherche (DR1) at the Centre National à la Recherche
Scientifique (CNRS) and she works at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris, in
the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD). She holds a Master of Science
(Stanford University, 1977), a PhD in physics (Université Paris VII, 1980), a PhD in
mathematics (Université Paris VI, 1987) and she did a postdoc at Harvard University.
Her specialties are turbulence, partial differential equations, numerical simulation,
harmonic analysis and statistical physics, that she uses to study aerodynamics,
geophysical flows and plasma physics (in relation to the ITER program). She published
more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and proceedings, and she is still
publishing. She taught at numerous universities (in Europe, Japan, Brazil, India, United
States and China), and she is still teaching (in Korea, April 2017). She is fellow of the
American Physical Society (APS), was visiting fellow of Trinity College in Cambridge
and of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Berlin. She participated to the editorial board
of three mathematical journals and cofounded ACHA (Applied and Computational
Harmonic Analysis) in 1992. She was the 1993 winner of the Poncelet Prize of the
French Academy of Sciences. She wrote in 2011 the recommendation of the Ethics
Committee of CNRS on the relations between scientists and publishers. In 2012 she
participated the redaction of the declaration The Cost of Knowledge calling for a boycott
of Elsevier and a reform of the scientific publication system. In 2015 she cofounded the
not-for-profit association CAPSH (Committee for the Accessibility of Publications in
Sciences and Humanities) that develops the open source platform http://dissem.in to
help researchers to deposit their articles in open access. She is member of the Academia
Europaea (section of physics and engineering sciences) since 2005, of the expert group
HERCuleS (Higher Education, Research and Culture in European Society), of RISE
(Research, Innovation and Science policy Experts) of the European Commission, and of
the Council of Academia Europaea.
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Her list of publication can be downloaded from\\
or from the platform htt://dissem.in (type 'Marie Farge').
A more detailed CV is on the [site|User/Farge_Marie/CV] of Academia Europaea.
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