!!IAEE Energy Forum

On the occasion of the International Association of Energy Economics, IAEE Bergen/NHH International Conference, held in Bergen (June 19-22, 2016), the recent issue of the [IAEE Energy Forum (EF)|2016EnergyForumSI.pdf] is devoted entirely to the Conference, in fact for the first time for an international conference only.
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On page 22 you will find a reference to the translation of the Bergens Tidende “kronikken” of [Einar Hope|Member/Hope_Einar], MAE. The EF has a readership of 5000+, so that in addition to the AE members it potentially should reach out to a fairly large international audience.
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[{Image src='AE-logo-bergen-06.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='AE Bergen Knowledge Hub'}]