!!Academia Europaea - London Headquarters
__The corporate office and the General Secretariat of the Academy are located in London.__
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-->__[How to find the London office|Acad_Main/London_Headquarters/Location]__
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__Academia Europaea__\\
Room 251, 2%%sup nd/% floor\\
Senate House\\
University of London\\
Malet Street [{GoogleMap location='Malet Street, London' zoom='15'}]\\
WC1E 7HU\\
Tel: + 44 (0) 207 862 5784\\
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__[Dr. David Coates|Acad_Main/Centers_of_Activity/Coates_David]__ ''Executive Secretary''\\
Contact regarding policy and organisational matters.\\
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__Teresa McGovern__ ''Administrator''\\
Contact regarding general office administration, Academia Europaea conferences and workshops.\\
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