!! Memberhip Statistics - August 2024\\Number of members: 5615
!Members by Section
||Section                                                            ||Members||Female||Female\\(Percent)
|BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY	                             |405     |85     |21,0 %
|CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY	                                     |242     |48     |19,8 %
|CHEMICAL SCIENCES	                                             |318     |53     |16,7 %
|CLASSICS & ORIENTAL STUDIES	                                     |167     |45     |26,9 %
|CLINICAL & VETERINARY SCIENCE	                                     |360     |55     |15,2 %
|EARTH & COSMIC SCIENCES	                                     |453     |55     |12,1 %
|ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION                                               |157     |24     |15,3 %
|ECONOMICS, BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT SCIENCES                           |182     |31     |17,0 %
|FILM, MEDIA & VISUAL STUDIES	                                     |111     |54     |48,6 %
|GOVERNANCE, INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES                               |69      |24     |34,8 %
|HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY	                                             |313     |68     |21,7 %
|HUMAN MOBILITY, GOVERNANCE, ENVIRONMENT AND SPACE                   |151     |29     |19,2 %
|INFORMATICS	                                                     |374     |32     |8,6 %
|LAW	                                                             |140     |37     |26,4 %
|LINGUISTIC STUDIES	                                             |237     |91     |38,4 %
|LITERARY & THEATRICAL STUDIES	                                     |230     |80     |34,8 %
|MATHEMATICS	                                                     |227     |28     |12,3 %
|MUSICOLOGY & ART HISTORY                                            |152     |38     |25,0 %
|PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES                            |149     |42     |28,2 %
|PHYSICS & ENGINEERING SCIENCES	                                     |482     |42     |8,7 %
|PHYSIOLOGY & NEUROSCIENCE	                                     |459     |75     |16,3 %
|SOCIAL CHANGE AND SOCIAL THOUGHT                                    |75      |21     |28,0 %
|THE HUMAN MIND AND ITS COMPLEXITY                                   |162     |48     |29,6 %
|Sum	                                                             |5615    |1105   |19,7 %
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[{Image src='membersbysection_240810.png' caption='Click to enlarge.' height='400' alt=''}]
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[{Image src='ClassA1_240810.png' caption='AE members by sections in Class A1. Click to enlarge.' height='400' alt='classA1_221001.png' align='center'}]
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[{Image src='ClassA2_240810.png' caption='AE members by sections in Class A2. Click to enlarge.' height='400' alt='classA2_221001.png' align='center'}]
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[{Image src='ClassB_240810.png' caption='AE members by sections in Class B. Click to enlarge.' height='300' alt='classB_221001.png' align='center'}]
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[{Image src='ClassC_240810.png' caption='AE members by sections in Class C. Click to enlarge.' height='350' alt='classC_221001.png' align='center'}]
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!Members by class
[{Image src='membersbyclass_240810.png' caption='' height='300' alt='' align='center'}]
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||Class                                   ||Members||Female||Female\\(Percent)
| A1 - Humanities                         | 1359   | 418   | 30,8 %
| A2 - Social and Related Sciences        | 779    | 190   | 24,4 %
| B  - Exact Sciences                     | 1854   | 210   | 11,3 %
| C  - Life Sciences                      | 1623   | 287   | 17,7 %
| Sum                                     | 5615   | 1105  | 19,7 %
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!Members by age
[{Image src='ae-age_240810.png' caption='' height='350' alt='' align='center'}]
| <= 40   | 18
| 41-45   | 67
| 46-50   | 237
| 51-55   | 454
| 56-60   | 742
| 61-65   | 909
| 66-70   | 900
| 71-75   | 743
| 76-80   | 659
| 81-85   | 471
| 86-90   | 300
| 91+     | 115
!Members by Section and Country of Residence
[{Image src='section_country_240810.png' caption='' height='500' alt='' align='center'}]
[{Image src='membersbycountry_240810.png' caption='' height='700' alt='' align='center'}]

!Members by country and section (I.)
[{Image src='statistics1_240810.png' caption='' height='1024' alt='' align='center'}]
!Members by country and section (II.)
[{Image src='statistics2_240810.png' caption='' height='1024' alt='' align='center'}]
!Members by country and section (III.)
[{Image src='statistics3_240810.png' caption='' height='1024' alt='' align='center'}]
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