!!The Diamond Open Access Model: what impact on research?
!Webinar: Monday 28th March, 14:00-15:00 CET\\The webinar is jointly organized by [Academia Europaea Cardiff|https://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales], [KU Leuven Libraries|https://bib.kuleuven.be/english/artes#] and the [Young Academy of Europe|https://yacadeuro.org]. 
With escalating __Article Processing Charges__ (APCs) under the __Gold Open Access Model__, attention has been turning to the __Diamond Model__, where scientific articles are not subject to APCs.  Diamond journals represent a large percentage of open access publishing output and are mostly owned and managed by universities, learned societies and other not-for-profit organisations. 
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Two organisations leading the development of an international strategy on Open Access, __Science Europe__ and __Coalition S__, have recently launched an initiative that will offer worldwide support to building and sustaining the Diamond Model. The action plan was published on 2%%sup nd/% March.
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Join us for a one-hour webinar, where an expert panel will explain and discuss these latest developments in __Open Access__ publishing and what it means for researchers, research-intensive institutions, learned societies, libraries and other publishers. You, the audience, will be able to interact and pose questions to the panel.
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__The webinar is free and open to all.__
!The panel

*[Professor Johan Rooryck|Member/Rooryck_Johan] MAE, Executive Director, Coalition S
*__Professor Sarah de Rijcke__, Professor in Science, Technology, and Innovation Studies & Scientific Director at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), [Leiden University|https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en]
*__Dr Bregt Saenen__, Senior Policy Officer for Open Science, Science Europe
*__Professor Toma Susi__, [University of Vienna|https://www.univie.ac.at/en], Member of the Scientific Advisory Board, Open Research Europe
*__Professor Demmy Verbeke__, Professor of Open Scholarship and Head of KU Leuven Libraries Artes
The webinar will be chaired by Professor Ole Petersen, Honorary Vice-President, Academia Europaea.

!How to register

[Click here|https://cardiff.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6qYh3UoRSBKmLud8khm1ow] to register for the webinar.
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