!!Seminar “From Barranquilla to the World. Universities and Country-Branding, Spain and Colombia in perspective”
!XXI Europe Chair
Thursday 15th March, 2018. ROOM 31K\\
Km.5 Vía Puerto Colombia - Tel. (57) (5) 3509509 - Barranquilla, Colombia
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After more than two decades of celebration in the Europe Chair of a special relation with European culture and education, in this important seminar from Uninorte with distinguished professors coming from different countries, updated issues of universities and research will be analized. 

__2.30 – 2.45 pm: Opening Remarks__
*Pablo Martín González, Director, Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education, SEPIE
*Alberto Roa Varelo, Academic Viceprincipal, Northern University
__2.45 – 3.30 pm: Colombia, Country-Branding and Education__
*Moisés Wasermann, National University, Colombia
__3.30 – 4.15 pm: Country Image and University Networks. European Excellence Campus__
*Manuel Lucena Giraldo, SEPIE/CSIC, Spain
__4.15 – 5.00 pm: Data Mining in Cultural and Education Management__
*Juan Luis Suarez, Western University, Canada
__5.00 - 5.45 pm: Erasmus Plus in the Americas__
*Pablo Martín González, SEPIE, Spain
__5.45 – 6.30 pm: Colombia in a Sligthly Optimistic Version__
*Jorge Orlando Melo, Colombia
__Closing Remarks & Conclusions__ 
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!Contact and information

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__Manuel Lucena Giraldo__\\
Investigador científico-CSIC\\
Calle Albasanz, 26-28\\
28037 Madrid, España\\
+34 91 6022479\\
+34 607798710
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