!!Humanities and Social Sciences for Sustainability

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!!Cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability\\Online Conference, October 21 & 22, 2020
The natural sciences have driven the world’s attention to the mostly unintended, but ecologically harmful consequences of modern lifestyles. As important as these insights are, they are clearly insufficient for motivating needed policy change and change of the ways of living. For this we need a broad humanistic approach, respecting the deep cultural and social embeddedness of all everyday actions and practices. Despite the ongoing globalization processes, there is now more than ever an urgent need to understand  the many dimensions of human experience that impact our world.
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Getting people engaged and involved on a broad front for deep societal transformations is asking first of all a respectful appreciation of cultural and social diversity and particularities across different regions of the world. Consequently, we need to find regionally and culturally differentiated paths to reach that goal. To develop these pathways in acceptable and peaceful ways the humanities and social sciences are of crucial importance. Deep societal transformations without the social sciences’ and the humanities’ insights are hardly feasible. 
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The aim of the conference is to explore the humanities’ and social sciences’ potentials to contribute to the identification of culturally differentiated pathways towards global sustainability. The partners of the conference include the [World Academy of Art & Science|http://worldacademy.org], the __Academia Europaea__, [The Club of Rome|https://clubofrome.org], the [International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences|http://www.cipsh.net/htm] as well as the [International Geographical Union|https://igu-online.org]. 

!Contact: [Benno Werlen|Member/Werlen_Benno], [benno.werlen@uni-jena.de|mailto:benno.werlen@uni-jena.de]

Further information on the presentations and a detailed schedule can be found in the attached conference program. To access to the conference please use the following link: [http://www.salve.tv/HuS]
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To be held virtually at the Dornburger Schloesser with the financial support of the [Ernst Abbe Foundation|https://www2.ernst-abbe-stiftung.de].
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!!Join the event!

__The conference will be broadcast on YouTube Live. To join the livestream visit our platform and tour through the virtual conference venue (Dornburg Palaces near Jena/Germany) at__


__During conference it will be possible to leave comments and questions using the YouTube Live chat.__
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Download the [conference program|HuS Conference Program 2020 V02.pdf]
!!Conference Program

!Wednesday, October 21\\Humanities & Social Sciences for Sustainability
__9:00 - 10:00 A.M. CET__
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[Benno Werlen|Member/Werlen_Benno] MAE

!Welcome Addresses
*[Canadian Commission for UNESCO|https://en.ccunesco.ca]\\by the __President Liette Vasseur__

*Federal State of Thuringia\\by the __Minister of Economy, Science and Digital Society, Wolfgang Tiefensee__

*[German Commission for UNESCO|https://www.unesco.de/en]\\by the __Secretary-General, Roman Luckscheiter__

*Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, [Friedrich Schiller University Jena|https://www.uni-jena.de/en/university]\\by the __Dean Alexander Brenning__

*[International Geographical Union|https://igu-online.org]\\by the __President Mike Meadows__

*[International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences|http://www.cipsh.net/htm]\\by the __President Chao Gejin__

*[World Academy of Art & Science|http://worldacademy.org]\\by the __President Garry Jacobs__

*[The Club of Rome|https://clubofrome.org]\\by the __Co-President Mamphela Ramphele__
__10:00 - 12:15 A.M. CET__

!Focus on the Cultural and Regional Dimension

__Mamphela Ramphele__\\
''Global sustainability: A vision from Africa''
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__Garry Jacobs__\\
''Paradigm change in thinking about the social sciences''
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__Sander van der Leuuw__\\
''Mobilizing the social sciences for sustainability''
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__Mathieu Denis__\\
''Deep societal transformations without the social sciences?''
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[__Thomas Reuter__|Member/Reuter_Thomas] MAE\\
''The inevitability of systemic change and the role of social sciences in accomplishing a fair and peaceful transition''
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__2:00 - 4:45 P.M. CET__

!Humanities & Social Sciences: Topics in Sustainability Research

[Hartmut Rosa|Member/Rosa_Hartmut] MAE\\
''Caring for the monster: Social resonance as a key dimension of sustainability''
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[Tiago de Oliveira Pinto|Member/de_Oliveira_Pinto_Tiago] MAE\\
''Sounding sustainability? The humanities and the cultural dimensions of sound''
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__Martin Leiner__\\
''Reconciliation and sustainability''
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__Tilo Wesche__\\
The rights of nature
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__Lutz Möller__\\
''Sustainability science – UNESCO’s role beyond the 2017 guidelines''
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__John Crowley__\\
''Social science and humanities perspectives on energy systems''
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!Thursday, October 22

__9:30 - 12:30 A.M. CET__

!Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation

__Luiz Oosterbeek__\\
''Understanding change to activate knowledge for sociocultural transformation''
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[Melissa Leach|Member/Leach_Melissa] MAE\\
''Transformative knowledge for equitable sustainability: Meeting the challenges''
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__Lucilla Spini__\\
''The space and key players for knowledge mobilization in the field of sustainability''
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__Carlos Álvarez-Pereira__\\
''Frontiers in learning for desirable futures''
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__Anne Snick__\\
''Learning with the head, heart, hands and hope: A basic condition for sustainability Howard Blumenthal Kids on earth in the 21st century''
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__Branko Šmon__\\
''Art and sustainability: The Matterhorn art project “Earth plastic view“''
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__2:00 - 3:15 P.M. CET__

!Knowledge Mobilization for Deep Societal Transformations

__Ursula Gobel__\\
''Imagining Canada’s future – Knowledge mobilization in research and scholarship''
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__Joanne Kauffman & Benno Werlen__\\
__Some results of the survey on “Futures of knowledge mobilization for deep societal transformations“__
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__Paul Shrivastava__\\
''Transdisciplinary sustainability transformation of universities''
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__3:15 - 4:30 P.M. CET__

! New Strategies: Roundtable Discussion

with __Carlos Álvarez-Pereira, John Crowley, Patrick Degeorges, Philippe Forêt, Thomas Reuter, Anne Snick, Benno Werlen, and others__
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__4:30 P.M.__
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__Concluding Remarks__
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!Partners and Sponsors

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