!!The Future of University Development Cooperation\\Perspectives of Leading Research Universities
__Venue:__ KU Leuven, Belgium\\
__Date:__ 2nd of June, 2017
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What should be the role of leading research universities in addressing the world’s most pressing development challenges?
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How can top research be deployed in university development cooperation? Which types of innovative partnerships can deliver the most effective solutions?
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In which ways can science be translated so that it can be used most optimally by developing countries?
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__This conference addresses the different strategic choices and policies made by leading research universities within and outside Europe.__
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Registrations for the conference are now open! Register [here|https://www.kuleuven.be/english/international/fudc/registration].
!!Conference themes
!The role of basic research in addressing global development challenges

Should top research contribute to global challenges? If so, how?
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Prof. B. Burgoon (University of Amsterdam)\\
Prof. N. De Leeuw (Cardiff University)\\
Prof. A. Lazar (University Pierre and Marie Curie)

!Innovative partnerships and synergies to enhance development cooperation

Which partnerships are most effective?
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[Prof. N. Jennings|Member/Jennings_Nicholas] (Imperial College London)\\
Dr. C. Pauw (Stellenbosch University)\\
Prof. M. Galli (University of Milan)
!Translation of research into development-relevant applications

How can science be translated into practical applications to the benefit of developing countries? ​
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Prof. P. Pellikka (Helsinki University)\\
Prof. I. Maestro (University of Barcelona)\\
Prof. L. Hagander (Lund University)
!!The program will involve

*Reflections of the LERU universities and KU Leuven partners
*Inspiration moments: SDG linked tables focusing on concrete topics
*Key notes from experts (North and South) stressing innovative projects and partnerships
*Plenary Panel
*Network reception until 19:00h.
Detailed [programme|https://www.kuleuven.be/english/international/fudc/programme].
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The conference will take place in the Maria-Theresiacollege, Sint Michielsstraat 6, 3000 Leuven.
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Meanwhile, keep following our [website|https://www.kuleuven.be/english/international/fudc/index], which will gradually reveal more of the scientific program for this exciting conference.
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__[Prof. Danny Pieters|Member/Pieters_Danny]__\\
Vice Rector International Policy
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__Prof. Bernard Spitz__\\
Assistant Vice Rector International
development Cooperation
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