!!Visualising Law: Visual Jurisprudence and Literature
!International Conference
!11-13 November 2015, Verona, Italy
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere\\
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
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__The event is open to all interested scholars and post graduate students. __
Please contact the organisers, or [Professor Dottori Daniela Carpi|mailto:daniela.carpi@univr.it] for registration information.
Nicola Sartor, Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Verona\\
Roberta Facchinetti, Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere\\
Donata Gottardi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche\\
Immacolata Amodeo, Villa Vigoni, German-Italian Centre for European Excellence\\
[Daniela Carpi|User/Carpi_Daniela], Presidente AIDEL
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__CHAIR: [Daniela Carpi|User/Carpi_Daniela] (University of Verona)__
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__10.00__ Richard Sherwin (New York Law School): What Authorizes the Image? The Visual Economy of Post-Secular Jurisprudence.\\

__10.45__ Gary Watt (Warwick School of Law): Hearing the Evident\\

__11.15__ COFFEE BREAK\\

__11.45__ [Svend Erik Larsen|User/Larsen_Svend_Erik] (Emeritus, Aarhus University): The Court Room – A Visual Semantics\\

__12.15__ Discussion\\

__13.00__ LUNCH
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__CHAIR: Yvonne Bezrucka (University of Verona)__
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__14.30__ William MacNeil (Griffith Law School): Brokeback Mountain: Queering Lex Populi\\

__15.00__ [Daniela Carpi|User/Carpi_Daniela] (University of Verona): How to Enforce the Law: Video-shocks for Road Security\\

__15.30__ Andrew Majeske (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York): The Medium Isn’t the Message: Why We Have Less to Fear from Image-Driven Culture than Richard Sherwin Suggests\\

__16.00 COFFEE BREAK__\\

__16.30__ Patrizia Nerozzi (Emeritus, IULM University): The Many Faces of the Law: Ocular Demonstrations
and Popular Satire in William Hogarth’s Paintings and Engravings\\
17.00__ Paolo Heritier (University of Torino): World 0. A Vichian Perspective on ‘Legal Visual Studies’ and ‘Law and Humanities’\\

__17.30 Discussion__

__CHAIR: Chiara Battisti (University of Verona)__
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__9.30__ Jessica Silbey (Northeastern University, School of Law): Picturing Moral Arguments in a Fraught
Legal Arena: Fetuses, Phantoms and Ultrasounds\\

__10.00__ Leif Dahlberg (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) : The In/visible Interpreter\\

__10.30 __John Gooch (University of Texas at Dallas): Visualizing the Rhetoric of International Law in the
Ukrainian Crisis\\

__11.00 COFFEE BREAK__\\

__11.30__ Cristina Costantini (University of Perugia): Legal Stigmata. Figuring the ‘Praesthetic’ Consistence of
Corpus Iuris\\

__12.00__ Max Liljefors (Lund University): Screening the Body: Biotechnology, Emotion, and Law in Contemporary Science Fiction Film\\

__12.30__ Discussion\\

__13.00 LUNCH__\\

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__CHAIR: Sidia Fiorato (University of Verona)__
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__15.00__ Annalisa Ciampi (University of Verona): Visual War or the Production / Destruction of International
Law through Images\\

__15.30__ Karen-Margrethe Simonsen (University of Aarhus): The Aesthetics and Politics of Atrocity Tales. On
Joshua Oppenheimer’s two Movies on the Indonesian Killings of 1965-66\\

__16.00__ Filippo Sgubbi (University of Bologna): Symbolic Criminal Law and its Digital Visualization\\

__16.30 COFFEE BREAK__\\

__17.00__ Yvonne Bezrucka (University of Verona): Beehives Iconology in “The Fable of the Bees” by Bernard de

__17.30__ Pier Giuseppe Monateri (University of Torino): Mandersson and Klimt’s Jurisprudence\\

__18.00__ Discussion\\

__20.00 Official Dinner__
__CHAIR: Pier Giuseppe Monateri (University of Torino)__
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__9.30__ Ian Ward (Newcastle School of Law): A Revenger’s Tragedy\\

__10.00__ Doris Pichler (University of Graz): Re-negotiating Justice in Semifictional Legal Theatre: The Work of Milo Rau and Others\\

__10.30__ Riccardo Baldissone (University of Kent): The Scales for the Woman, the Cross for the Man: Visualizing Justice and Her Execution in Western Painting and Sculpture\\

__11.00 COFFEE BREAK__\\

__11.30__ Mara Logaldo (IULM University, Milano): ‘The Last Laugh’: A Multimodal Analysis of Captions in

__12.00__ Roberto Flor (University of Verona): Visualizing Criminal Law in the Information Society\\

__12.30 Discussion__\\

__13.00 LUNCH__
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__CHAIR: Cristina Costantini (University of Perugia)__
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__14.30__ Matteo Nicolini (University of Verona): From Hard-Copy to Digital Law, via “Illustrated Courtrooms”:
Visualising the History of Legal English\\

__15.00__ Annalisa Zanola (University of Brescia): ‘Informed Consent’ in Visual Health Literacy\\

__15.30 COFFEE BREAK__\\

__16.00__ Steven Howe (University of Lucerne): Visions of Violence: Film, Crime and Legal-Cultural Discourse
in Weimar Germany\\

__16.30__ Raffaele Cutolo (University of Brescia): Visualising Identity: The Legal Body and Biometrics\\

__17.00__ Sidia Fiorato (University of Verona): Dystopian Images of Law in The Hunger Games\\

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[Daniela Carpi|User/Carpi_Daniela]\\
Chiara Battisti\\
Sidia Fiorato\\


Valentina Adami\\
Raffaele Cutolo\\
Anja Meyer\\
Roberta Zanoni
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Museo Civico di Storia Naturale\\
Lungadige Porta Vittoria 9\\
Verona, Italy
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Download the [conference folder|Visualizing_law_final_programme.pdf] with the programme.
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The conference is co-sponsored by the __[Academia Europaea HUBERT CURIEN INTIATIVES FUND (2015)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/2015 AE Hubert Curien Initiatives Fund]__.
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