!!EUROPA UNA Lecture

!''Wymiary i ciężary Europy'' by Professor Adam Chmielewski
__Date:__ October 20, 2014, 06:00 PM

__Venue:__ Regional Office on International Relations, Nankiera 17, 50-140 Wrocław, Poland
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Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies, Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub, College of Eastern Europe and Institute of Political Science at University of Wrocław invite to a public lecture by __Professor Adam Chmielewski__.
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[{Image src='prof.-Chmielewski-400x250.jpg' caption='' class='image_left' height='150' alt='Professor Adam Chmielewski'}]__Adam J Chmielewski__ is professor of philosophy in the Institute of Philosophy, University of Wrocław, Poland. His books include Popper's Philosophy: A Critical Analysis (1995); Open Society or Community?(2001); and Psychopathology of Political Life (2009). He is also the author of the successful bid of the city of Wroclaw for the title of the [European Capital of Culture 2016|http:///wroclaw2016.pl].
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*The presentation will be followed by a discussion with the audience.
*Attendance to this event is free of charge.
*More information can be found [here|http:///rodm-wroclaw.pl/europa-una-spotkanie-z-profesorem-adamem-chmieleckim-filozofem].   
*Live streaming can be found [here|https:///www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dntDmAVD3E]
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