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!!cOAlition S webinar: The Rights Retention Strategy and what it means for EU13 & Associated Countries

Joing the live interactive webinar organized by the [Young Academy of Europe|https://yacadeuro.org/coalition-s-webinar-the-rights-retention-strategy-and-what-it-means-for-eu13-associated-countries] in partnership by ENYAs in EU13 and Associated Countries: Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Albania, Israel, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and Belarus.
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__When:__ Monday 12 April at 13:00-14:00 CET\\
__Where:__ Online via Zoom

__13:00-13:10__   Welcome – Gemma Modinos, Chair of YAE\\ 
__13:10-13:30__   The Rights Retention Strategy and what it means for EU13 + Associated Countries – Johan Rooryck, Executive Director of cOAlition S\\ 
__13:30-13:50__   Q&A\\ 
__13:50-14:00__   Closing remarks
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The webinar is free to attend and you can register buy clicking the [button|https://www.eventbrite.de/e/coalition-s-webinar-tickets-143298350223].