!!Exploring the Shores of Fundamental Matter: Advances around the Northern Seas (NorSAC-2015)
__Date:__ 29 July 2015 to 4 August 2015\\
__Venue:__ University of Bergen, Norway 
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[Event website|https://indico.cern.ch/event/372494]
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The International Workshop on Exploring the Shores of Fundamental Matter: Advances around the Northern Seas (NorSAC-2015) aims to collect theoreticians and experimentalists working in the field of nuclear  physics and related fields.

!Honorary Chair

[Jan S. Vaagen|User/Vaagen_Jan] (University of Bergen, Norway)  
!Conference Chairs

[Larissa Bravina|User/Bravina_Larissa_V.] (University of Oslo, Norway)\\ 
[Laszlo P. Csernai|User/Csernai_Lászlo_Pál] (University of Bergen, Norway)\\  
[Sigmund Grønmo|User/Grønmo_Sigmund] (University of Bergen, Norway) \\ 
Jesper Tveit (University of Bergen, Norway) 
!Local Organizing Committee

Sindre Velle (University of Bergen, Norway)\\  
Yilong Xie (University of Bergen, Norway)\\  
Eugeny Zabrodin (University of Oslo, Norway) \\ 

!Important dates

__Abstract submission deadline:__  May 15, 2015 \\
__Early registration deadline:__  March 15, 2015 \\
__Registration deadline:__  May 15, 2015