!!BUILDING BRIDGES 2022: 33rd Annual Conference of Academia Europaea\\Recordings
!!Photo gallery
[View the photos|http://barcelona.acadeuro.org/home/barcelona-in-action-digital-archive/gallery/ae-bkh-building-bridges-gallery/ae-building-bridges-2022-barcelona] from all Building Bridges events (Class sessions, annual conference, President's dinner, Sessions, Prizes and Medals and the Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize award ceremony).

!! Recordings of the sessions

*Access [all recordings|https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH]

*View the [Highlights|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLSWHb1lfWI&list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH&index=1] from the Building Bridges 2022 conference (2.31 minutes)

*View the [Opening & Plenary Sessions 1-3|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsHDgtsYbZc&list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH&index=2], October 26, 2022 (3 hours)

*View the [Welcome Ceremony|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt7bpCy7tAk&list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH&index=3] to new AE members (39 minutes)

*View the [Plenary Session 4|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMkEyjh2fg&list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH&index=5], October 27, 2022 (58 minutes)

*View the [Plenary Session 5 and Erasmus Medal laudation and lecture|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afslPIF8wUo&list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH&index=6], October 27, 2022 (1:40 hours)

*View the [André Mischke YAE Prize, the Gold Award laudation and lecture, and Conclusion|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAXInyl-XH4&list=PLVhpi_qigRSdmZyQRKeySCLp-H7FvQxbH&index=7], October 27, 2022 (1:26 hours)

!!Prize ceremony videos
[{Image src='Aghion_Philippe_Erasmus_Award_PA272162_small.jpg' caption='Prof. Carl-Henrik Heldin presents the Erasmus Award to Prof. Philippe Aghion' height='300' alt='' class='image_left'}] View the award and the lecture of the [Erasmus Medal 2021|2022-10-27_CORTE1_comp.mp4]  (1 GB, 50 minutes) to Professor Philippe Aghion.
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[{Image src='Cloetingh_Sierd_Gold_Medal_PA272415.jpg' caption='Carl-Henrik Heldin, Sierd Cloetingh and Robert-Jan Smits after the award of the Academia Europaea Gold Medal' height='300' alt='' class='image_left'}]
View the award and the lecture of the [Academia Europaea Gold Medal|2022-10-27_CORTE3_comp.mp4] (720MB, 45 minutes) to Professor Sierd Cloetingh.
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[{Image src='DSC02537_small.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='Barcelona' align='center'}]