[{Image src='Flayer - Harrassowitz 2019 - Writen and Rewritten_small.jpg' caption='' height='500' alt='Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures' class='image_left' border='1'}]
!!Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures

__A new publication by [Professor Isaac Kalimi|Member/Kalimi_Isaac], member of the [Philosophy, theology and religious studies|Acad_Main/Sections/Philosophy_theology_and_religious_studies] of Academia Europaea. Professor Dr. Isaac Kalimi is the worldwide leading biblical scholar, historian and Judaist. He has published numerous books and articles in English, German, Hebrew and Polish.__
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The articles in the book discuss recent developments in the analysis of history and historiography in ancient Israel and its surrounding cultures. The scholars compare the compositional and editorial approaches evident in biblical
and post-biblical writings with those shown in other ancient literature, while concentrating on a specific theme.
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__Publisher:__ Harrassowitz\\
__ISBN:__ 78-3-447-11363-2