!!Basic and Clinical Translational Sciences

The __Basic and Clinical Translational Sciences__ section covers a wide range of subjects all sharing in the common connection with the observation, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease whether in humans or animals. By definition, the membership categories covers a wide range of clinical practitioners in medicine including clinical medicine and general medicine (and its many clinical speciality disciplines e.g. surgery, cardiology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, allergy and clinical immunology as well as paediatrics, clinical genetics, accident and emergency medicine, anaesthetics, intensive care, clinical haematology, oncology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, regenerative medicine, gene therapy and many other specialist fields), public health, health technology assessment, epidemiology, primary care (general practice), clinical psychology and psychiatry. It also embraces nursing, the allied health professions (e.g. physiotherapy, occupational therapy, diagnostic radiography and imaging, therapeutic radiography, and speech and language therapy, podiatry, dietetics, prosthetics and orthotics). The section also includes dentistry, pharmacy, clinical pharmacology, clinical pathology and clinical toxicology.
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Veterinary Science  deals with the health and wellbeing of animals and like medicine, encompasses everything from preventative care to psychological analysis and complex surgical procedures. We encourage those with an interest in translating biomolecular, biophysical and other fields of science into clinical practice (translational research) whatever discipline they are operating in, as long as their contributions directly lead to patient or animal benefits. Usually (but not exclusively) individuals hold a primary clinical qualification and are often affiliated to a professional body.
[{Image src='Hegyi_Peter_thumb.jpg' height='150' alt='Péter Hegyi'}]
''[Péter Hegyi|Member/Hegyi_Péter]'' 

!Section Committee: 

[{Image src='Ceron_Jose_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[José Cerón|Member/Cerón_José]''
[{Image src='Dorobantu_Maria_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Maria Dorobantu|Member/Dorobantu_Maria]''
[{Image src='Fitzgerald_Rebecca.jpg' height='100'}]''[Rebecca Fitzgerald|Member/Fitzgerald_Rebecca]''
[{Image src='Jassem_Jacek_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Jacek Jassem |Member/Jassem_Jacek]''
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[{Image src='Kemény_Lajos_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Lajos Kemény|Member/Kemeny_Lajos]''
[{Image src='Leino-Kilpi_Helena_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Helena Leino-Kilpi|Member/Leino-Kilpi_Helena]''
[{Image src='Neoptolemos_John.png' height='100'}]''[John Neoptolemos|Member/Neoptolemos_John]''
[{Image src='Varro_Andras_nemzeti_tudoskepzo_portrek-0648_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[András Varró|Member/Varro_Andras]''