!!Call for papers
Following the decision taken by the Academia Europaea board in November 2017, the History & Archaeology Section will organise its first bi-annual workshop meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, on __Monday 3 September  and Tuesday 4 September 2018__, on the topic of 
!!''Mobility: a bridge between the past and the present''.
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The topic of « mobility » is understood here in its paradigmatic sense. It takes into account the mobility of human beings, goods, animals and plants, diseases or knowledge, including infrastructure, effects on environment, societies and politics, gender issues, transport, etc. At the same time, an historical dimension may serve to bestow upon such paradigm the perspective given by  time when applied to different patterns of mobility. However, the bridge is not only between past and present, but also between disciplines, both within and beyond the realm of humanities and social sciences.
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The History & Archaeology Section of ''Academia Europaea'' seeks, therefore, through this first workshop, to explore the bridges that a study of mobility may establish between different and seemingly unrelated disciplines. The papers presented may thus address a wide variety of issues related to the general topic. We wish therefore to invite all those among you who might be interested in participating in the Workshop.
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Apart from the pleasure of meeting colleagues and friends, the purpose of this workshop is to consider strengthening the links between the two component disciplines of our Section, namely History and Archaeology, while at the same time consolidating our disciplinary voice within the ''Academia Europaea'' and establishing a constructive dialogue with the other sections of the ''Academia''. Given the need to comply with the organization schedule of our meeting, your answers to this call should reach me by __April 20th 2018__ and include both a tentative  paper title and an abstract of between 250 and 300 words.
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[Nikita Harwich|Member/Harwich_Nikita]\\
[Section Chair (2017-2019)|Acad_Main/Sections/History_and_archaeology]\\
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Download the [document|History_Archaelogy_CALL FOR PAPERS_Wroclaw_20April_2018.pdf]
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