
__Date:__ November 15th, 2023, at 11 a.m.\\
__Venue:__ Auditorium of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 27 Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego St., Wrocław
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__[Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs|Member/Wójs_Arkadiusz], Rector of the [Wrocław University of Science and Technology|https://pwr.edu.pl/en] and  Academic Director of the [Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] cordially invites members of the Academy to participate in the Wrocław University of Science and Technology Day on November 15%%sup th/%, 2023.
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As part of the celebration, [Professor Marja Makarow|Member/Makarow_Marja], President of Academia Europaea, will be awarded the title of doctor ''honoris causa''. 
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The award lecture will be streamed at [https://www.youtube.com/live/Iq-SEniATEE?si=emMODQHR7gzrZZfH].__
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[{Image src='Marja_029-768x960.jpg' caption='Professor Marja Makarow' height='300' alt='Professor Marja Makarow'}]
[{Image src='Wojs_Arkadiusz_cropped.jpg' caption='Professor Arkadiusz Wójs' height='300' alt='Professor Arkadiusz Wójs'}]
!Programme of the ceremony
__Prof. Kazimierz Idaszewski Square__
__9.30 a.m.__ 
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The ceremony of laying flowers at the monument of Martyrdom of Lviv Professors
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__Alley of the Professors of Wrocław University of Science and Technology__
__10.00 a.m.__ 
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The ceremony of unveiling of the new professor’s names
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__The Auditorium of Wrocław University of Science and Technology__
__11.00 a.m.__
*Speech of the rector, Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs

*Awarding the doctor honoris causa title to Prof. Marja Makarow from the University of Helsinki, president of Academia Europaea

*Awarding of scholarships, special science and honorary awards

*Announcement of the winner of Stanisław Lem European Research Prize, Lem Prize 2023
The event will be streamed live on Wrocław Tech YouTube channel.
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Please confirm your presence until __November 9th__, 2023, by e-mail [swieto.politechniki@pwr.edu.pl|mailto:swieto.politechniki@pwr.edu.pl]. For more detailed information please contact the Events Office at Wrocław Tech, phone: +48 71 320 43 78.
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Download the [invitation|Wroclaw Tech 2023- an invitation.pdf].
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[{Image src='Wroclaw Tech 2023- an invitation.jpg' caption='' height='180' alt='' align='center'}]