!!!Towards Development of Mediatization Research III\\Workshop

__Date: 15 November 2019 \\
Location: Wroclaw, Poland__ \\ 

Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub and the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, University of Wroclaw is organising a third edition of the workshop focusing on mediatization research.\\

__This year's edition will be led by Professor [Andreas Hepp|Member/Hepp_Andreas] and will focus on digital media and datafication.__\\

We invite media researchers working in the area of mediatization to participate in the seminar. There is no conference fee.

The idea of the meeting is a closed specialization seminar devoted to selected aspects of research on mediatization, in a formula proven in the previous editions, i.e.:\\
• participants work on different types of materials (articles, works in progress, proposals, theses, reports etc.) under the guidance of the edition leader;\\
• the meeting is preceded by substantive preparation by the leader and all participants on the basis of materials circulated to all participants in advance;\\
• during the meeting all participants focus on group discussion and expert feedback (presentations and speeches are limited to a minimum);\\
• the seminar is preceded by an introductory lecture by the leader.\\ \\
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The list of presentations:

*Ilya Kiriya, HSE University, Russia, Digital Modernization as Ideological Apparatus in Contemporary Russia
*Jasmin Troeger, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, The process of datafication in the classroom
*Bronwin Patrickson, University of South Wales, UK, How can we protect children’s rights whilst researching their lives and cultures using datafied digital research methods?
*Tracie Edmondson, Charles Sturt University, Australia, Using mediatisation to understand changes in professional sport communication
*Rūta Sutkutė, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, Shaping of the public discourse on refugees integration in social media
*Damian Guzek, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, Religious diversity and deep mediatization
*Krzysztof Gajewski, Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Poland, Dead ends of datafication. The problem of Wikipedia authorship
*Dana Radu, University of Bucharest, Romania, Religion, controversy and the digital turn
*Dorota Piontek, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland, Digital media as an instrument for creating alternative political realities
*Ewa Nowak-Teter, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, Bartłomiej Łódzki, University of Wroclaw, Poland, What makes the news shared on Facebook? The network media logic as a mean of mediatization of journalistic practices
*Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, University of Wroclaw, Poland, Media desaturation of family life

Information on previous editions is available on the following websites:\\
*[Towards development of mediatization research I. Workshop with Professor Göran Bolin, 11.12.2017|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/event/towards-the-development-of-the-mediatization-research-the-workshop-with-professor-goran-bolin] or on the [website|http://dziennikarstwo.uni.wroc.pl/instytut/wydarzenia/wydarzenia/seminarium-towards-the-development-of-the-mediatization-research] of the University. 
*[Towards development of mediatization research II. Workshop with Professor Johan Fornäs, 13.12.2018|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/event/towards-development-of-the-mediatization-research-ii] or on the [website|http://dziennikarstwo.uni.wroc.pl/en/institute/gallery/events/towards-development-of-the-mediatization-research-ii] of the University.\\ \\

__The workshop is organized with the support of the Academia Europaea 2019 Hubert Curien Fund and Municipality of Wrocław fundings.__ \\ \\
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