!!ERC Starting Grant mentoring event

This online event hosted by the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) on __21st September 2020__ welcomes researchers from __EU13 and Associated Countries__ who are interested in applying for a __European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant__. We wish to provide guidance and support to young applicants from under-represented nations by connecting them with mentors who have successfully navigated through the process.
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The event will start with a plenary information session for potential applicants and a short Q&A with a representative from the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA). This is followed by three parallel sessions focusing on each ERC research domain: Physical Sciences & Engineering (PE), Life Sciences (LS), and Social Sciences & Humanities (SH). These sessions will be moderated by YAE members holding ERC grants who will give an overview of the domains, answer questions, and get to know the participants looking for mentors.
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Participants from other countries may register, but priority will be given to researchers whose prospective Host Institution is located within the EU13 and Horizon Associated Countries, and who are planning to apply in the January 2021 call.

!To register, please [enter your details here|https://meetings.yacadeuro.org/event/5]. A link for the online meeting will be sent to registered participants by email on the morning of the event.


__Plenary session__

14:00-14:05 Opening (Mangala Srinivas, YAE Chair)\\
14:05-14:30 Information session, The European Research Council: Funding opportunities and application and evaluation process (Jana Siftova, ERCEA)\\
14:30-14:45 Q&A\\
14:45-15:00 Equality of opportunities for next generation researchers in Europe, Prof. Nedjeljka Zagar
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__Breakout sessions__
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15:00-16:00 Domain PE (Toma Susi and Zeila Zanolli, YAE)\\
15:00-16:00 Domain LS (Valeria Gazzola and Mangala Srinivas, YAE)\\
15:00-16:00 Domain SH (Kaius Sinnemäki and Lydia Schumacher, YAE)
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The Young Academy of Europe would like to thank the European Research Council for their support and participation.
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