Legal Basis#
The Academia Europaea is a not-for-profit organisation operating with two distinct legal entities. The Board of trustees is the same for BOTH entities (a common Board). This ensures complementarity and maximum coordination.
From 1st January 2025, the Munich entity will be the operational entity for all matters relating to the EU and AE members. The London Support Office will provide support services as required.
The Academia Europaea was originally created under a 'declaration of trust' and until 2010 was registered as an not-for-profit association under English charity law (with former registration number 1001978).
In 2010, The Academia Europaea Ltd was registered at Companies House in the UK as a Company Limited by Guarantee (registration number 7028223) and was also registered as a not-for-profit charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (registration number 1133902). The registered address is at Room 251, Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, Great Britain.
In 2023, The Academia Europaea e.V. was registered at Amtsgericht München in Germany as “eingetragener Verein” (registration number VR 210134) and was also registered as a not-for-profit charity. The registered address is at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Theresienstr. 41, room 334, 80333 München, Germany.
- UK Charitable registration
- UK Link to the Charity Commission website
- UK Original Deed of Trust
- UK Certificate of Incorporation
- UK Articles of Association of The Academia Europaea Ltd
- Regulations of the ACADEMIA EUROPAEA
(as adopted by the Annual Meeting in November 2019)
The Board of Trustees of the Academia Europaea#
President (Pro tem)
Vice President (officio)
Professor Donald Dingwell
Director, Department for Earth and Environmental Sciences, LMU, Munich
Professor Stephen Evans
Director of Research for Industrial Sustainability, University of Cambridge
Vice President (ex officio)
Class Chair: Class A1 - Humanities and Arts
Professor Poul Holm
Professor of History, Trinity College Dublin
Vice President (ex officio)
Class Chair: Class A2 - Social Sciences
Professor Martin Kahanec
Professor, Central European University
Vice President (ex officio)
Class Chair: Class B – Exact Sciences
Professor Paolo Papale
Research Director at INGV
Vice President (ex officio)
Class Chair: Class C - Life Sciences Widening participation, liaison with the Young Academy and the ERC (co-opted member)
Professor Eva Kondorosi
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged
Academic Director of the Bergen Knowledge Hub
Professor Eystein Jansen
Professor of Palaeoclimatology/marine Geology, University of Bergen
Professor Björn Wittrock
Professor, Uppsala University and Founding Director and Permanent Fellow of the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study