The Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions#
May 4-6 2022To be held in the Humanities Theatre (Thunbergsvägen 3) at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden with the support of the Åke Wiberg Foundation and the Department of Education, Uppsala University
open until April 26, 2022.#
During the past thirty years or so, the internationalization of higher education institutions has become a very significant issue on the agenda for policy-makers, academic leaders and researchers. Against this backdrop, it is timely to look closer at the conditions for internationalization and its effects. In so doing, the symposium will address questions such as the role of universities in a global world, international rankings, the mobility of ideas and students, costs and returns in internationalization as well as international branch campuses. An expert panel discussion will conclude the symposium, which is an Academia Europaea HERCulES event.
The conference is organized by the Academia Europaea HERCulES group, HERO – Higher Education as Research Object, and the SIHE – The Swedish Centre for Studies of the Internationalisation of Higher Education
, with the financial support of Åke Wiberg Foundation
and the Department of Education, Uppsala University
Contact: Johan Boberg,
Download the programme (29 March 2022)
Wednesday 4 May#
12:30-13:00 Registration
13:00-13:15 Introduction to the symposium by Lars Engwall MAE, Professor Emeritus of Business Studies, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden and Chair of the Academia Europaea HERCules Group
13:15-14:00 Hans de Wit: Internationalisation in Higher Education: Critical Reflections in a Time of Global Challenges
Bio: Hans de Wit is Professor Emeritus, Distinguished Fellow and Former Director of the Center for International Higher Education (CIHE) at Boston College, USA. He is founding editor of the Journal of Studies in International Higher Education, co-editor of International Higher Education, consulting editor of Policy Reviews in Higher Education, and has a regular blog at University World News. He is a Senior Fellow of the International Association of Universities (IAU), and was a founding member and past-president of the European Association for International Education (EAIE). He has published many books and articles on the internationalisation of higher education.
Abstract: Internationalization in and of higher education over the past half century has evolved from a marginal and ad hoc range of activities to more comprehensive and central processes and policies. It has become a key strategic agenda for universities but also national and local governments around the globe. It is driven by a diverse range of rationales, organizational and program strategies, and includes the involvement of a broad range of stakeholders, internal and external to the system, but at the same time has resulted in many different approaches and actions. In this paper, I address both the different perceptions and meanings of internationalization in and of higher educa-tion, what have been and are the main trends, rationales and drivers at the institution-al, national and regional level, and what are key shifting paradigms? This will lead to a concluding section on what might be the future directions of internationalization in response to current drastically changing global contexts?
14:00-14:15 Leg stretcher
14:15-15:45 Theme 1: Universities in the World Society
Chair: Marcel Swart MAE, ICREA Professor, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Girona, Spain
Simon Marginson: The Globally Distributed European-American University: Tensions and Challenges#
Bio: Simon Marginson is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Oxford, Director of the ESRC/OFSRE Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), Editor-in-Chief of Higher Education, and Lead Researcher with Higher School of Economics in Moscow. CGHE is a research partnership of five UK and nine international universities with £6.5 million in funding for 16 projects on global, national and local aspects of higher education. Simon’s research is focused primarily on global and international higher education, and higher education and social inequality. His current book is Changing Higher Education for a Changing World, edited with Claire Callender and William Locke (Bloomsbury 2020).
Abstract: Where are we at with the globalisation and internationalisation of higher education? The paper reflects on global convergence in knowledge and higher education since 1990, the changing character of the global space and its intersection with nation-al/regional spaces. It will highlight three elements: (1) the rapid growth of the global knowledge system, the spread of common Euro-American practices in higher educa-tion at world level, the diversification of capacity at world level, and the epistemic limits and exclusions; (2) relations between global convergence and cross-border in-tegration in universities and knowledge, and the continuing national/regional embed-dedness, and the potential of that relation to play out as both synergy and tension; (3) the impact of recent big geopolitical events, the US-China imbroglio and the breakout of Russian aggression in the post-Soviet zone, to exacerbate global/national tensions, e.g. as shown by the US persecution of scientists with Chinese names, and the closing down of internationalised activity in Russian higher education. The paper will argue that (a) the global achievement in higher education and science so far has been con-siderable but it is unstable, in jeopardy, amid a sharper turn to nation-state interest, crowned by a revived militarism; and (b) despite their global achievements the Euro-American universities have mostly so far failed the test of diversity (diversity is not just a matter of liberal cosmopolitan rights, it is how we learn, on the world scale as well as in Europe). We still see ourselves as the centre of the universe and with a su-perior culture, our people don’t sufficiently understand East Asia which is as im-portant as Europe/North America, and we understand India and Southeast Asia less. Nor do we as yet have a developed concept of worldwide relations in higher educa-tion, as distinct from Westphalian zero-sum nation-states. Are we now to fall back in-to taking all our cues from national governments? If so that is not going to end well. Clearly global knowledge has evolved well beyond the limits of multilateralism, and universities worldwide work well together, are more than artifices of nations or even regions, and understood both the eco-realist and normative logics of global interde-pendence, but we have no protocols for global self-governance as a sector.
Gili S. Drori: To Be or Not to Be...Internationalized? The Global Orientation of Israeli HEO as Category Extension Strategy#
Bio: Gili S. Drori is Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and Director of The European Forum at the Hebrew University. She also serves as President of the Israeli Sociological Society. Gili earned her academic education at Tel Aviv University (BA 1986; and MA 1989) and Stanford University (PhD, 1997, Sociology). Her publications deal with globalization and glocalization; organizational change and rationalization; world society theory; science, innovation and higher education; technology divides; and, culture and policy regimes.
Abstract: The complexity of academia’s global governance places higher education organizations (HEOs) in a conundrum regarding internationalization. As members of the global institution of academia HEOs worldwide are immersed in a culture that valorizes and rewards for internationalization, nowadays based on its estimation by research collaboration and funding, student and faculty mobility, and co-publication. On the other hand, local regulators often set formal classifications that impose contingencies on the potential for, and scope of, internationalization. Analyzing the language regarding internationalization in the mission statements of all 62 accredited Israel HEOs, as well as the change to the related definition of internationalization during the period 2000–2018, we ask: “How do Israeli HEOs conceive of internationalization under the strict tripartite classification mandated by the Israeli regulator of higher education?” In other words, we assess how the categorization mandated by the Israeli Council of Higher Education (CHE) defines the approach to internationalization in these HEOs.
15:45-16:15 Coffee break in the Hall
16:15-17:45 Theme 2: The Global Structure of Higher Education and Research
Chair: Milena Zíc Fuchs MAE, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Ellen Hazelkorn: Are Rankings One of the “Missing Institutions” of Globalisation? Rethinking Global Governance of Higher Education and Research#
Bio: Ellen Hazelkorn is Joint Managing Partner, BH Associates education consultants and Professor Emerita, Technological University Dublin (Ireland). She is Joint Editor, Policy Reviews in Higher Education. She is affiliated to the Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE), Oxford, and Research Fellow, Centre for International Higher Education, Boston College. Ellen is member of the Quality Board for Higher Educa-tion in Iceland, and UK Commission for the College of the Future. As UNESCO Lead, she recently wrote the 5-year Higher Education Policy and Action Plan for Lebanon (2021). Ellen was Policy Advisor, Higher Education Authority of Ireland (HEA), and Vice President Dublin Institute of Technology (now TU Dublin) (1995-2008). Relevant publications include Research Handbook on University Rankings: History, Methodology, Influence and Impact (2021); Global Rankings and the Geo-politics of Higher Education (2016); Rankings and the Reshaping of Higher Educa-tion: The Battle for World-Class Excellence, 2nd ed. (2015).
Abstract: Whether we like them or not, global university rankings (GUR) have retained a prominent presence over the past twenty years. Their arrival responded to and corre-sponded with the acceleration of trans-national trade and capital flows, and student and professional mobility. The ARWU was first published in June 2003, and the rest, as people say, is history. The regularity of published results and proliferation of dif-ferent formats have charted and capitalised on changes in the internationalisation and geo-politicalisation of higher education and research, its products (talent and knowledge) and services. Indicators of investment and affluence have become pow-erful reference points for international benchmarking and the key to accessing the global talent pool and research – by individuals (students, graduates and professionals as well as academics and researchers) as well as HEIs and countries. Their centrifu-gal force has fostered status seeking “mimetic behaviour and shared notions of excel-lence”. The paper reflects on twenty years of global university rankings. Using broad strokes, it charts the role and influence of rankings in the context of two intersecting trends. Part 1 looks at rankings in the context of an evolving global framework for accountability and measurability while Part 2 considers the way in which they have become powerful engines for the geo-politicalisation of higher education and science. Appendix 1 chronicles global university rankings against the upsurge in HE activity coinciding with the acceleration of globalisation and internationalisation beginning in the latter 20th century. The conclusion seeks to draw these strands together suggest-ing that by operating outside of traditional structures, rankings have come to fill a vi-tal gap in the global knowledge intelligence ecosystem, becoming one of the “missing institutions” of globalisation.
Marijk Van der Wende: The Promise of Open Science: How Open Can it Be?#
Bio: Marijk van der Wende is Distinguished Faculty Professor of Higher Education at Utrecht University’s Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance. Her research focuses on the impact of globalization and internationalization on higher education systems, institutions, curricula, and teaching and learning arrangements. She is also an affiliate faculty and research associate at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) at the University of California Berkeley, Guest Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and member of the International Advisory Board of its Graduate School of Education as well as Academia Europaea.
Abstract: Universities are a core institution of the open society and increasingly subscribe to principles of open science. However, openness cannot any longer be taken for grant-ed in the changing geo-political context. In the EU the global strategy has shifted from “open to the world” to “strategic autonomy”. This concept, original from securi-ty and defense policy, was widened in 2020 to include technology, research and in-novation. The EU is also expected to protect institutional autonomy and academic freedom, as laid down in the Treaty and Charter on Fundamental Rights of the EU, while also levelling the global playing field, mitigating risk, and ensuring security. Measures taken (e.g. raising barriers for non-EU participation in Horizon Europe, knowledge export and against foreign interference) put the EU’s openness in a dif-ferent perspective. The question: how open can it be? addresses the tension between autonomy, freedom and security and regards the EU’s competences to act in relation to the member states and universities. Prior research revealed these challenges, which are recently sadly illustrated by events emerging from the Russian-Ukraine conflict.
18:15 Reception in Kanslersrummet on the first floor of the University Building (Biskopsgatan 3) followed by a tour of the building and buffet dinner.
Thursday 5 May#
9:15-10:45 Theme 3: Mobility of Ideas in Academia
Chair: Marie Farge MAE, Directrice de Recherche CNRS, École normale supérieure, Paris, France
Johan Heilbron: The Internationalization of the Social and Human Sciences#
Bio: Johan Heilbron MAE is a historical sociologist, trained at the University of Amsterdam and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. Currently guest professor of sociology of education at Uppsala University, he is professor emeritus at the Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science Politique (CESSP-CNRS-EHESS) in Paris and Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Recent book publications include: Pour une histoire des sciences sociales: hommage à Pierre Bourdieu, (co-edited, 2004), Wetenschappelijk onderzoek, dilemma’s en verleidingen (2005), French Sociology (2015), Nederlandse kunst in de wereld (co-authored, 2015), De zaak Organon, (co-authored, 2018), New Directions in Elite Studies (co-edited, 2018), and The Social and Human Sciences in Global Power Relations (co-edited 2018).
Abstract: On the basis of various research projects on the internationalization of the social and human sciences that were undertaken over the past few years, the main question of this chapter is how to understand and explain the considerable variation of these processes across local contexts, disciplines and countries. After presenting some of the most salient research results, the question is what kind of theoretical approach is most fruitful to account for the empirical findings? In the final part of the chapter, more normative and political conclusions will be presented as to how (not) to promote internationalization of the social and human sciences.
Gisèle Sapiro: The Unequal Conditions for Ideas to Migrate#
Bio: Gisèle Sapiro MAE is Professor of Sociology at l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris and Research Director at Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (CNRS/EHESS/Université Paris1-Panthéon-Sorbonne), and member of Academia Europaea. Her recent publications include La Responsabilité de l’écrivain (2011), French Writers’ War (2014), La Sociologie de la littérature (2014), Los Intelectuales (2017), Les Ecrivains et la politique en France (2018), She coordinated the European project Interco-SSH.
Abstract: Drawing from Bourdieu’s seminal paper on the social conditions for the international circulation of ideas, this chapter examines a set of factors which favour or impede the transnational circulation of ideas in the social and human sciences. These are the social properties of the author (gender, nationality, symbolic and social capital), the hierarchy of languages, the role of intermediaries (agents, publishers, translators, state or philanthropic foundations), the reception process and forms of appropriation. The analysis relies on various case studies and tries to identify patterns of circulation within the transnational disciplinary fields and beyond.
10:45-11:15 Coffee break in the Hall
11:15-12:45 Theme 4: International Student Mobility
Chair: Wim Blockmans MAE, Professor Emeritus of Medieval History at Leiden University and former Rector of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
Mikael Börjesson: The Global Space of International Students#
Bio: Mikael Börjesson is professor in Sociology of Education at Uppsala University and is co-director of the research unit Sociology of Education and Culture (SEC), director of the Swedish Centre for the Studies of the Internationalisation of Higher Education (SIHE), as well as co-director of the research network Higher Education as Research Object (HERO). His main research domains are fields of education, transnational strategies and the internationalisation of higher education, elites and elite education, as well as applications of Geometric Data Analysis. He is currently directing the research project Swedish Higher Education. Financing, Organisation, Enrolment, Outcomes, 1950–2020 (SHEFOE), funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Abstract: International students have become an increasingly important research object, since they constitute a strategic entry point for understanding the global landscape of higher education. By using correspondence analysis on a data set regarding countries of destination and regions of origin, the global space of international students is depicted. The analysis reveals a structure with three main poles, a Pacific pole, a Central European one and a French/Iberian one. The three poles correspond to three different logics of recruitment: a market logic, a proximity logic and a colonial logic. The three poles and logics are also related to linguistic structures. The Pacific/Market pole is dominated by English, while the Central European pole has German and Slavic languages as a common denominator, and the French and Iberian pole has French, Spanish and Portuguese in common with their former colonies. It is argued that the Pacific/Market pole is the dominating pole in the space due to the high concentration of resources of different sorts, including economic, political, educational, scientific and, not least, linguistic assets.
Robin Shields: Where Do We Go Now? International Student Mobility and the Climate Emergency#
Bio: Robin Shields is Professor of Education at the University of Bristol. His research interests focus on the globalization of education, particularly on new applications of quantitative data analysis. Robin is co-editor of the Comparative Education Review and has served on the Executive Committee of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE). His research has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the Higher Education Academy, and the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. In 2013, he received the George Bereday Award from the Comparative and International Education Society for his application of social network analysis to international student mobility in higher education.
Abstract: International student mobility has grown rapidly in recent decades; the number of students pursuing a degree outside their home country increased from approximately 1.5 million in 2000 to 5.3 million in 2017. Existing research has identified benefits to both internationally mobile students and their host countries. However, this growth has occurred in neoliberal policy environments that offer incentives to externalize the environmental costs of international higher education. This chapter will ask whether current levels of mobility can be maintained given the growing urgency of the climate change and the large environmental costs of international air travel. It argues that the development of a political voice on the climate emergency is the most important initiative that universities can undertake in this regard.
12:45-13:45 Lunch at Matikum, Engelska Parken
13:45-15:45 Theme 5: Student Mobility in Europe
Chair: Jürgen Enders, Professor of Higher Education Management, University of Bath, the United Kingdom
Robert Coelen: Is Internationalisation at Home, as an Alternative for Student Mobility, the Only Way to Equip Students with Intercultural Skills?#
Bio: Robert Coelen is Professor of Internationalisation of Higher Education at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands, Director of the Centre for Internationalisation of Education at the University of Groningen, and Visiting Profes-sor at Research Institute of Higher Education, Tongji University and at the International Teacher Centre of East China Normal University. Prior to these appointments, he was Vice-President International at Leiden University, and senior executive on internationalisation at The University of Queensland and James Cook University in Australia, especially focused on the recruitment of international students. He has worked for about 25 years in the field of international education after a successful Australian career in Molecular Virology.
Abstract: Most students are not internationally mobile during their higher education studies. To facilitate their intercultural competence development and international awareness universities have created internationalisation at home initiatives over the last two decades or so. This paper focuses on the intercultural competence aspect. Recent studies have showed a predilection for studying abroad of certain students over others. The question arises whether activities other than those under the umbrella of internationalisation at home might engender developments in the cognitive rep-ertoire of students that assist in becoming interculturally competent. This paper will discuss the case for a wider range of activities and also concerns itself with the role that pre-tertiary education may play in this development. It concludes with the need for educators to undergo professional development to enable a reform of educational practices.
Mette Ginnerskov-Dahlberg: “On a Quest for Recognition. The Migration Trajectories of Students from Post-socialist Countries#
Bio: Mette Ginnerskov-Dahlberg is postdoctoral research fellow at Södertörn University College. She is an anthropologist by training and holds a PhD degree in European Studies from Aarhus University. Her work focuses on student flow from Eastern to Western Europe. Specializing in ethnography with a longitudinal methodology, she is particular interested in the lived experience of migration, the link between geograph-ical and social mobility, and the labour market integration of student migrants.
Abstract: Our quality of life and sense of self are highly dependent on recognition from others. Indeed, researchers have established that recognition – ranging from intimate, per-sonal relations to the larger societal arena – is ’a vital human need’ (Taylor 1992, 26). While recognition theory seems especially fit to shed light on the psychological mechanisms of social and political resistance, this paper underlines its potential for exploring patterns of migration. Drawing on a longitudinal, ethnographic study (2013-2020) of students from post-socialist countries pursuing a degree in Denmark and their onward journeys upon graduation, this paper illuminates the ways in which struggles for recognition (Honneth 1995) function as an imperative impetus in their migration. It shows how quests for recognition, often following experiences of mis-recognition of the students’ professional skills in their home countries, play a key role in their initial decision to study abroad. When this quest fails to materialise in Den-mark, typically due to ‘labour market failure’ and feelings of stigmatisation, aspirations of recognition re-mains an important compass – steering onward migration to certain countries over others as well as return migration to their home countries.
Aija Lulle: International Student Mobility, Life Transitions, and Spatialised Trajectories of Education and Work among ‘Eastern Europeans’ in the London Area#
Bio: Dr Aija Lulle is a lecturer at Loughborough University, UK and Adjunct Professor, docent at the University of Eastern Finland. She was the founder-director of the Centre for Diaspora and Migration Research, University of Latvia (2014-2015). She is an experienced researcher and consultant on migration issues, and her expertise ranges from citizenship and kinship issues in the context of borders to diaspora. Her current interests are related to youth mobilities and lives of transnational families.
Abstract: This presentation will interrogate and review the notion of pursuing higher education abroad as part of a simple staged transition from secondary education to the graduate-level labour market. It will analyse a diverse array of trajectories which do not conform to the standard linear progression model. Empirical data are drawn from 40 in-depth interviews with young-adult (aged 18–35) students and graduates from three countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Latvia, Slovakia and Romania), who are studying and/or working in the London region. What emerges is a variety of both standard and ‘destandardised’ sequences (‘reverse’ and ‘yo-yo’ trajectories), which include working abroad in order to study later, alternating episodes of study and work, and simultaneous work-and-study and study-and-work regimes. The particular combinations presented are partly related to world-ranking of university subjects, to the inequality in incomes, living standards and lifestyles between the countries of origin and London/UK, but also crucially dependent on the class and wealth backgrounds of the students, graduates, and their families of origin.
15:45-16:00 Coffee break in the Hall
16:00-17:15 Theme 6: International Branch Campuses
Chair: Theo D’haen MAE, Professor Emeritus of English Literature, KU Leuven, Belgium
Christine T. Ennew: The International Branch Campus: Models and Mechanisms#
Bio: Christine Ennew is Provost at the University of Warwick where she supports the Vice Chancellor in the academic leadership of the University. Until 2016, she was Pro Vice Chancellor at the University of Nottingham where she managed the University’s ambitious international strategy for five years. She also served for three and a half years as Provost and CEO Nottingham’s first international campus, which is located to the south of Kuala Lumpur. She is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education, a member of the Board of Directors for Common Purpose Student Experiences, a Fellow of the Head Foundation and represents the University of Warwick on the Boards of a range of associated companies.
Abstract: This paper analyses the mechanisms for involvement in transnational or cross-border higher education, exploring specifically the emergence of the branch campus model. Drawing on perspectives from international business, and using Dunning’s “ownership, location and internalization” framework, it outlines the characteristics associated with a diverse set of approaches to the delivery of higher education to an international audience. The branch campus, although technically an investment model (GATS Mode 3), has developed a range of archetypes, and these are explored in more detail with particular focus on the degree awarding and delivery models. The chapter concludes by considering the benefits associated with other more flexible alliances, which may be less easily categorized but which offer real benefits for the broader internationalization agenda.
Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi: Positional Competition and International Branch Campuses#
Bio: Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi is a professor at the University of Agder, Norway. His recent research interests are in higher education institutions, business schools and marketisation of the university sector. He is the former dean of Oulu Business School (2006–2011).
Abstract: In one of the few existing empirical studies on business school hubs, our research group touched on the consequences of the internationalization of management education in the context of Dubai, which at its peak in 2008 hosted more international branch campuses of universities than any other nation. This development was facilitated by Dubai’s desire to become a global education hub catering to domestic and foreign students, particularly those seeking degrees in business management. In this study, we argued that the rapid increase in the number of foreign management education providers during the period of 2002–2008 and the subsequent decline in 2009–2010 resemble the classical theory of business bubbles. More recently, we continued the study on business school hubs from the perspective of international competitive advantages. Our conclusion was that classical competitive advantages presented in the literature are too simplistic and decontextualized for understanding the internationalization of business schools. In sum, the former research ignores the special characteristics of the business school field, since business schools do not typically possess any transferable ownership advantages.
17:30-19:00 Transfer to the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study for a reception hosted by the Principal Professor Christina Garsten, Professor of Social Anthropology
19:30 Dinner at the Gästrike-Hälsinge Student Nation, Trädgårdsgatan 9
Friday 6 May#
9:30-11:00 Theme 7: Fees and Returns in International Higher Education
Chair: Lars Engwall MAE, Professor Emeritus of Management, Uppsala University, Sweden
Parvati Raghuram: Conceptualising International Higher Education Markets: Practice, Theory and Ethics#
Bio: Parvati Raghuram is Professor in Geography and Migration at the Open University. She has published widely on retheorising migration of international students and skilled migrants, particularly women in the IT sector and medicine. She is currently leading a grant on contextualising peace education in Nigeria and Zimbabwe which explores the decolonisation of education as a pedagogical challenge in interdisciplinary and intercontinental research. She has written for policy audiences having co-authored research papers for a number of think-tanks. She co-edits the journal South Asian Diaspora with the Centre for Study of Diaspora, Hyderabad and the Palgrave Pivot series Mobility and Politics.
Abstract: For higher education markets to operate, education needs not only to be sold but also to be bought. This require the payment of fees. However, most debates about how students can afford fees have involved the mechanism of cost sharing and do not include the experiences of international students. Yet, international students not only need to be able to afford fees but also to pay them, often in foreign currencies, themselves operating in currency markets, formal and informal. Thus, fee payments are far from smooth. This chapter uses the empirical example of international student fees to argue that the spatialities through which fees are understood have elided the empirical complications of this process. It argues that retheorising these spatialities leads to ethical questions that go far beyond the scope of current debates around marketization in internationalization debates.
Nicolai Netz: How Important is International Experience for Becoming a Tenured Professor? Evidence from a Factorial Survey#
Bio: Nicolai Netz (Ph.D., University of Hanover) studied modern languages, cultural science, political science, and economics at the Universities of Bonn, Florence, and Maastricht. Since 2008, he works at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), where he examines the educational and professional careers of students and graduates. He is currently leading a junior research group exploring the determinants and effects of high-skilled mobility. He has extensively worked on different aspects of internationalisation.
Abstract: Political communiqués and primary empirical evidence suggest that international experience can help scientists qualify for a professorship. In order to test this hypothesis, we conducted a factorial survey experiment. We asked professors of sociology, political science, geography, German philology, and chemistry at German universities to evaluate vignette profiles of fictitious scientists regarding their suitability for a tenured professorship. In the vignettes, we randomly varied scientists’ characteristics (gender, qualifications, academic performance, social capital, and mobility experience). On these grounds, we can determine whether international mobility experiences (studies, doctorate, and/or postdoc abroad) have an independent influence on the suitability for a tenured professorship. Moreover, we can assess the extent to which scientists can replace physical international mobility with forms of virtual international mobility or with other qualification- or performance-related characteristics.
11:00-11:30 Coffee break in the Hall
11:30-13:00 Concluding Panel Including the Following Panel Members:
Agneta Bladh, Former State Secretary of Education, Former Vice-Chancellor of Kalmar University College, Former Chairman of the Swedish Research Council.
Gudmund Hernes, Professor of Sociology, Former Minister of Education of the Norwegian Government, Former Chairman of the Board of Uppsala University.
Christine Musselin MAE, Professor of Sociology, Former Dean for Research at Sciences Po and a member of the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations, Paris, France and Former President of Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics.
Peter Scott MAE, Professor of Higher Education Studies, University of London, the United Kingdom, former Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University.
George Sharvashidze MAE, Rector of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Georgia, Former Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia.
Melina Žic-Fuchs MAE, Professor of Linguistics, Former Minister of Science and Technology of the Croatian Government, Member of the European Research Council.
13:00 Buffet lunch in an adjacent room to the venue