“Mind the Gap: Bridging Secondary and Higher Education”#
Wednesday May 15 - Saturday May 18, 2019Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, Sweden
The symposium is organized by Academia Europaea’s Hercules Group and the Wenner-Gren Foundations
Background of the symposium#
Since the 1950s research based knowledge has become a driver across national borders for social and cultural development in Europe and elsewhere. The new demands for education and research opened the doors for a growing number of students, teachers and researchers with a more differentiated social background than before and, at the same time, educational policies had to be developed to transform both secondary and higher education in an ongoing process. These changes sparked a diversification both of secondary schools and of institutions offering higher education beyond classical universities. In this situation, the classical educational systems were confronted with a new challenge, which is still with us today: how to connect secondary with higher education in an expanding knowledge economy based on more diverse groups of students with different social and scholarly background in a landscape of more differentiated institutions of higher education? Policies and practices have to promote a two-way traffic: research has to be channeled into the secondary system via teacher re-education, curriculum development, special research events for students, international exchange and pedagogical research, and potential university students need training and guidance to prepare them to pursue higher education in a research environment. Bridging the gap between secondary and higher education has to be seen as mutual interaction.Organising committee#
Chair: Svend Erik Larsen, DenmarkErik De Corte, Belgium
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Sweden
Mikael Oliveberg, Sweden
Peter Scott, U.K.
Contact for invitation/registration#
For participation, contact Maria Helgöstam maria.helgostam@swgc.org.
Deadline for registration extended until April 22. Since the number of participants is limited, the registration will be made "first come, first served".