Academia Europaea statements on the war against Ukraine#

Latest news#

  • Establishment of the Independent Institute of Philosophy (Institute de Philosophie Indépendent)
    The Institute's mission is to revitalize cooperation among Russian-speaking researchers outside of Russia, to encourage them to think freely and critically about new international realities and their own identity, and to establish joint research projects with colleagues from all over the world.

Publications by members of Academia Europaea#

  • Ukraine: A Post-War Phoenix Perspective. Written by Professor Peter Nijkamp from the Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands and a member of the Economic, Business and Management Sciences section of Academia Europaea together with Karima Kourtit from the Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands, and Gabriela Pascariu Alexandru from the Ioan Cuza University, Romania.

Ukraine initiatives#

Support of Ukrainian students and researchers#

  • Support to Ukrainian researchers and students.
    Academia Europaea lists websites with links to schemes, initiatives and programmes which support Ukrainian researchers and students who are in search of work or seek refuge in other countries.

Interviews with Ukrainian members of Academia Europaea#

  • Life as a Ukrainian scientist. Read the interview with Professor Yaroslav Shuba, a newly-elected Ukrainian member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section of Academia Europaea.

Statements by Academia Europaea and its members#

  • Ukraine statement.
    The Board of the Academia Europaea issue a strong condemnation of Russian state action against the Ukraine. 1 March 2022.
  • Statement by the Russian Union of Rectors.
    The AE Board of Trustees has released a statement in response to the publication of a statement by the Russian University Rectors’ Union on 4th March 2022. 16 March 2022.
  • Benefits of scientific collaboration.
    Read about scientific collaboration between scientists from Kyiv’s Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology and Cardiff University’s School of Biosciences. 9 March 2022.

Statemenst by other organisations#


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