Leopoldina International Virtual Panel Series#

To enable the worldwide scientific exchange in COVID-19 times, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina starts a new virtual format together with its global partners: Leopoldina International Virtual Panel Series.

You are kindly invited to the first panel entitled “Contact Tracing Apps: Promising Tool in the Fight Against COVID-19?”. It deals with digital tracing tools for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, particularly contact tracing apps in the coronavirus pandemic. Leading scientists from the UK, Korea, Ireland and Germany discuss different aspects, from app development to legal, ethical and public health implications. The panel takes an interdisciplinary and international comparative approach. Join the event in English via Zoom. You are welcome to ask questions in the Zoom chat.

Leopoldina International Virtual Panel Series#

“Contact Tracing Apps: Promising Tool in the Fight Against COVID-19?”
Wednesday, 15 July 2020 · 11:00 to 12:15 GMT+2
Registration required at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_WKeoI9nXQjCG_vwT92I0NQ

After registration, you will receive a confirmation (please check the junk mail, as sometimes automatic mails might be filtered). You can find additional information in the programme. Please feel free to retweet and share the official Twitter and Facebook postings of the Leopoldina related to this event.

We very much look forward to welcoming you in the virtual space. Feel free to direct further questions to internationalrelations@leopoldina.org.


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