The event is supported by the “Academia Europaea 2015 Hubert Curien Fund” #
Event site with detailed information about the workshop
Registration form
organizes the annual TOPO-EUROPE workshop:#
TOPO-EUROPE promotes, coordinates and integrates national research programs on geological surface processes and their implications for continental topography and natural hazards in a coherent European network.
TOPO-Europe 2020 has the goal to extend the activity to the whole Mediterranean margin, considering that the convergence between the African and Eurasian continents is the dominant factor that can explain the current topography in southern Europe.
The aim of this annual meeting is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for sharing knowledge and information in the field of neotectonic and topographic evolution of Europe and to promote and encourage multidisciplinary research on a truly European scale.
Geoazur is a multidisciplinary joint research unit affiliated to the UNS, OCA, CNRS and IRD, and directed by Emmanuel Tric. The major supervising institution is the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Created in 1996, Géoazur focuses on Geoscience research using combined analyses of the Earth, Ocean and Space. The central topics are Lithosphere Dynamics and the Metrology of the Earth and the Nearby Universe. The studies consider major societal stakes, including seismic, gravitational and tsunami hazards, and change in global mean sea level.
Géoazur is actively involved in training courses of Nice-Sophia Antipolis University’s Department of Earth Sciences, and in Villefranche-sur-mer Oceanology Observatory’s (OOV-UPMC) marine geoscience workshops.
Géoazur activities are part of the observation missions of the Côte d’Azur Observatory (OCA), serving the scientific community through dedicated centres for geodesy, seismology, gravitational movement and laser telemetry.
Since october 2012, the Géoazur staff have gathered on the CNRS campus at Sophia Antipolis. Géoazur settlements related to laser telemetry observation are located in Calern.
Keynote Speakers:#
- Andreas Fichtner, ETH
- Javier Fullea, IGEO Madrid
- Rob Govers, Utrecht
- Roger Haagmans, ESA
- Christophe Larroque, Reims
- Jacques Malavieille, Montpellier
- Hans-Peter Plag, Old Dominion University
- Frederik Simons, Princeton
- Pietro Sternai, Caltech
- Aldo Zollo, University of Naples Federico II
Registration and Abstracts#
Participants must register before September 4, 2015. Early bird registration (before July 1). After that date the registration fee changes. This fee covers processing of your abstract, entrance to the conference, three lunches, the conference dinner, refreshments and snacks in the pauses and drinks during the poster sessions. Payment is by credit card only (or by order form for CNRS employees).
Abstracts (max 3000 characters) must be submitted before September 4 by sending an email to, either with the abstract text in it, or as a *.doc file attached. Abstracts must contain:
- Author(s) and affiliations
- Indicate preference for oral if any (most contributions will be assigned a poster)
- Abstract text (max 3000 char, no special symbols please)
Students and postdocs may apply for financial support by sending an email to Guust Nolet, with title and abstract of your poster before June 21; please mention "TopoEurope" in the subject line which will avoid that it gets lost in his Junk mailbox. The amount will depend on how much we can still raise from supporting institutions and the number of students that apply, but we will let you know what to expect before the July 1 deadline of early bird registration. If we cannot fund every request, priority will be given to those who obtained their PhD after Oct 1, 2013.
Participants to the geological excursion in the Mercantour, (whole day) or the guided visit to the Fort Carré (14-16h) on Sunday Ocober 4 must to register and pay for one of these at the time they register for the conference.
The TopoEurope workshops are by their very nature small, intimate occasions where the emphasis is on intensive interaction between participants. Because of this, and the capacity of the conference room, we must put a stop to admitting new participants when the number of participants exceeds 130.
The TopoEurope 2015 workshop is held in the Espaces du Fort Carre, the (restored) former barracks for the soldiers who were stationed in the Fort Carré.
TopoEurope 2013
TopoEurope 2014