35th Annual Business Meeting of the Academia Europaea members#


Draft agenda #

From 1 October, ALL DOCUMENTS will be found below.

A series of pre-AGM membership wide electronic ballots on the motions below will be held online from 20th September – 30th September. Members will be mailed separately about these.

(NOTE: an agenda and documents pack will be available at the door of the meeting room for any physical attendees). PLEASE ALSO SIGN THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER AT THE DOOR.

In the chair: The President – Professor. Dr. Marja Makarow (Helsinki)

1. Welcome, adoption of the 2023 draft agenda (members present) [DOCUMENT 1(info) ]#

2. To adopt the minutes of the AGM held on AGM held on 21 October, 2022 [DOCUMENT 2(info) ]#

Transaction of Ordinary Business

3. Reports (covering the past 12 months and going forward): QUESTIONS ARE INVITED#

  • 3.1 President - Marja Makarow. 2022 summary Trustees (Activity) report [DOCUMENT 3.1a(info) ]

Report of the result of the online ballot of members, to the Motion: “That the AGM adopt the 2022 Trustees report”. [DOCUMENT 3.1(info) ]

  • 3.2 Finance – Professor Stephen Evans (Treasurer) a summary report has been tabled in advance and the 2022 examined accounts made available online. [DOCUMENT 3.2a(info) ]

Report of the result of the online ballot of members, to the motion: “That members adopt the 2022 accounts“. [DOCUMENT 3.2(info) ]

  • 3.2.1 Outcome of the e-ballot of members on the Motion: “That members agree to re-appoint the Audit/Examiners: Messrs Keith Vaudrey and Co. Ltd, London“.
  • 3.2.2 Annual members’ financial contribution for 2024

Outcome of the e-ballot of members to the Motion: “The Members are asked to approve the trustees recommendation, for an annual, [voluntary] contribution based on an age–related scale, and effective from January 1st 2024. As follows:

Ordinary members
Members up to and including 65 years of age: 150 Euro
Members 66 - 75 years of age: 85 Euro
Foreign members: 85 Euro
Members over 75: Voluntary donations are welcomed but they are optional

Motion for the room:
"The Members (present) are asked to approve an establishment fee for all new (2024) members of 150 Euros, irrespective of age at the time of their acceptance of membership.”

Other Business (as time allows)

4. Future Developments #

5. Report on the AE engagement in the SAPEA Plus Horizon Europe Project – Professor Ole Petersen. Academic Director – Cardiff Knowledge Hub and plans for future SAPEA involvement.#

6. Brief AE Regional Knowledge Hub Reports 2022/23: #

  • Barcelona (Prof. Jaume Bertranpetit Academic Director, Ms Maite Sánchez Riera - Hub Manager)
  • Bergen (Prof. Eystein Jansen Academic Director, Ms Kristen Baaken - Hub Manager)
  • Budapest (Dr Gergely Bőhm, Hub Manager)
  • Cardiff (Prof. Ole Petersen, Hub Director)
  • Tbilisi (Prof David Prangishvilli – Academic Director, Ms Sofia Kobakhidze – Hub Manager)
  • Wroclaw (Prof. Arkadiusz Wojs Academic Director, Ms Kasia Majkowska – Hub Manager)
  • Graz Data Centre (Mr Helmut Leitner – Technical Director, Ms Dana Kaiser, Administrator)

7. Report by the Editor-in-Chief of the European Review – Professor Alban Kellerbauer#

8. Plans for 2024#

  • Call for nominations for election to membership – open 10 October 2023 - 31 January 2024
  • Other plans?

Questions from the membership?

Closing remarks (Professor Makarow).


Regional Knowledge Hub websites:#

Barcelona: https://aebarcelona.eu
Bergen: https://aebergen.w.uib.no
Budapest: https://mta.hu/aebudapest
Cardiff: http://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales
Wroclaw: http://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl
Tbilisi: https://www.aetbilisihub.org
Corporate website: https://www.ae-info.org



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